Bruce Walker, Author at The New American - Page 16 of 39
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About: Bruce Walker

Jaruzelski and Demjankuk and Justice

Wojeciech Jaruzelski (left) was the communist general who was defense minister of Communist Poland when striking shipyard workers were shot and killed in 1970. He also was the practical...

Colonial Oppression Communist Style

The disciples of communism claim that their ideological system is the cure for colonialism and imperialism. All the proletariats (working-class people) of the world, according to the prescriptions of...

Is NASA Still Needed?

In 1958, Congress created NASA, the National Aeronautical and Space Administration. The rationale for America's first venture into outer space was national security: to insure that the country could...

No Saturday Mail Any More?

The Constitution and the early organization of the federal executive branch properly limited the scope of government activities to a few areas. Education was left to the states or...

Chavez Wants More Prisons

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez (left) has decided that one of the serious problems with the nation he bullies is that there are not enough prison cells. This is a...