Bruce Walker, Author at The New American - Page 14 of 39
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About: Bruce Walker

Fast and Furious Scandal Grows

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif., left), Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, is not impressed with the explanations given by Attorney General Eric Holder and other Department...

The Wisdom of Voter ID Laws

Votes in a republic must be counted honorably or elections are worse than useless. Political machines after the Civil War learned the tools for stealing votes en masse. Immigrants...

Millionaires Want Out of China

China may soon be the largest economy in the world. It has always had those things required to be a giant on the world stage: industrious people culturally given...

Few See Hope in European Crisis

The global economy is facing a meltdown, according to World Bank President Robert Zoellick. “We are moving into a dangerous period,” he told Bloomberg Television at a Singapore interview....

More Wisconsin Teachers Opt for Retirement

Wisconsin public employees unions were not able to stop Governor Walker’s plan to remove benefits from the items subject to collective bargaining. The unions first persuaded Wisconsin state senators...