Bruce Walker, Author at The New American - Page 11 of 39
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About: Bruce Walker

Worker Unrest Plagues Communist China

Mainland China remains Communist China. Marxism, or perhaps Maoism, remains the political philosophy of government in this giant nation. Although Marxism has been a resounding failure everywhere it has...

FDA Proposes Regulating Salt in Food

The Cato Institute has discovered a proposal by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to institute one of the most intrusive regulations yet in the food processing industry. This...

75th Anniversary of the Anti-comintern Pact

Moderns who rely upon conventional history have been spoon-fed many historical myths, which are indispensable to the perpetuation of statist collectivism and all the organs of totalitarianism in education,...

Big Labor Supports “Occupy” Movement

When considering what is the “establishment” in America, college students are never told that this group includes powerful labor unions, the news media, or state-supported academia. Hence, why the...