About: Brian Farmer

Anti-Christian Agenda

Anti-Christian Agenda In this book, an agnostic Jewish author explains how Christianity is being subverted by the political Left, and how that subversion is destroying all that is good...

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AARP Is at It Again

AARP Is at It Again As it did in 2018, the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) came out during 2019 in favor of a federal rescue of private-sector...

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Not Theirs to Give

The friendliness and charity of our countrymen can always be relied upon to relieve their fellow citizens in misfortune…. Federal aid in such cases encourages the expectation of paternal...

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Business Taxes Are Bad Business

The corporate income tax, which leftists persistently call to raise to “tax the rich,” gets paid by either workers, stockholders (often retired people), or consumers. ...

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Wilson’s Fourteen Points

To take a lead in surrender negotiations to end the “Great War” with Germany, President Woodrow Wilson proposed his Fourteen Points. ...

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A Right to Refuse Marriage Licenses

As the county clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky, Kim Davis made the national news by defying a federal court order that she must issue marriage licenses to homosexuals, following...

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The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates

Because Americans by and large believe in the rule of law, citizens and local government officials usually do what they’re told by higher authorities. But what if they shouldn’t?...

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Common Core Is Rotten to the Core

More than merely a “Potemkin village” with its façade of being state-led, Common Core is a Trojan Horse that could forever change American education. ...

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The Holocaust: Denying the Deniers

For various reasons, some people claim that the Holocaust perpetrated against the Jews is a historical myth, but the documentary evidence belies their beliefs. ...

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Hollywood Hypocrisy

The political Left takes every opportunity to showcase compromised conservatives not practicing what they preach, but they almost never apply the same scrutiny to themselves. ...