Bob Adelmann, Author at The New American - Page 285 of 289
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About: Bob Adelmann

Bob Adelmann

An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American, writing primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at [email protected].

National Debt at Tipping Point?

The Wall Street Journal took another look at the $13 trillion national debt written about here last week and announced that, according to a study by economists Carmen Reinhart...

Is the Census Bureau Double Counting Jobs?

When John Crudele quoted numerous Census Bureau workers about being hired, fired, and then rehired repeatedly, he called them “horror stories.” James O’Keefe, notorious and fearless investigative reporter, calls...

Jobs? What Jobs?

When CNBC announced that the number of workers filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell last week while private employers added new jobs in May, this was “further evidence...

Mortgage Defaults Increasing

According to the New York Times, “A growing number of the people whose homes are in foreclosure are refusing to slink away in shame.” They are just refusing to...

13 Trillion and Counting

When former Comptroller General Bill Walker, who headed the U.S. Government Accountability Office, said two years ago that the “official” debt of the United States “is only around $10...

Rush Limbaugh as GOP Kingmaker?

Zev Chafets, writing an op-ed for the New York Times, concluded that radio show host Rush Limbaugh “is the brains and the spirit behind [the conservative] resurgence.” ...

SENATOR Rand Paul?

If Rand Paul’s poll numbers are confirmed in today's Republican primary in Kentucky, it will, according to the New York Times, “mark one of the most important moments yet...

The Breakup of Ma Bell

Ten years into the 20th century, the United States citizenry were still enjoying the afterglow of a remarkable generation of economic growth, innovation, and expansion. ...