About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Is Ryan’s Budget Plan Headed in the Right Direction?
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) announced on Tuesday the Republican budget plan to take into the election debate; it is in sharp contrast to the Obama administration’s budget announced last...
NSA’s Spy Program “Stellar Wind” Exposed
The lead story in Wired magazine for April exposed the Stellar Wind program for its intended purpose: to spy on every jot and tittle of every American citizen’s life...
Encyclopædia Britannica Adjusts to Reality, Stops Printing
Encyclopædia Britannica’s president Jorge Cauz (left) announced on Tuesday that his company would no longer print its 129-pound, 32-volume sets of its iconic print encyclopedias. He put the best...
Roger Stone, Former Nixon Hit Man, Now a Libertarian
In a note to his readers on February 15th Roger Stone (left) announced his resignation from the Republican Party, changing his voter registration to the Libertarian Party. A self-proclaimed “GOP hit-man,”...
Amendment to End Energy Subsidies Fails in the Senate
Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C., left) introduced the Energy Freedom & Economic Prosperity Act (EFEPA) in February and then offered his bill as an amendment to the Transportation Bill last...
Gas Prices Up, Obama Poll Numbers Down
As gasoline prices approach (and in some places exceed) $4 a gallon nationally, the president appears to be taking much of the blame with two recent polls showing sharp...
North Dakota: A Study in How the Free Market Works
The continuing boom in North Dakota seemingly has no end. Last June oil production from the Bakken Formation exceeded 11 million barrels a month. In February it reached 16...
White House Jobs Growth Celebration is Premature
White House announcements celebrating the jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) were optimistic: “Private sector employers added 233,000 jobs to their payrolls in February [which] means...
ECRI Stays with Recession Call
When Lakshman Achuthan (left), co-founder of Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) appeared on CNBC to defend his prediction last September of an “imminent” recession, challenges came from many observers,...
Predicted Solar Storm Fizzles Out, More Storms Likely
Many were surprised when the prediction by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of potential major disruptions of power grids, Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites, and internet communications...
The Illinois Plan to Fix Its Budget Woes: Deny Reality
The best thing Illinois Governor Pat Quinn had to say in his State of the State address on February 1 was that the legislature needs to face its “rendezvous...
Allen Stanford’s Ponzi Scheme a Study on Regulatory Capture
Allen Stanford, former chairman of the Stanford Financial Group of Companies, was convicted on Tuesday on 13 counts of fraud, conspiracy, obstructing justice, violating U.S. securities laws — for...
Modest Temporary Free Speech Victory in Cigarette Pack Pictures Ruling
On Wednesday U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon (left) ruled in favor of five tobacco companies protesting requirements by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to have them put on...
Ariz. “Cold Case Posse”: Probable Cause Obama’s Birth Certificate a Fraud
The “Cold Case Posse” of Maricopa County, Arizona, has concluded it has “probable cause” that the President’s birth certificate released by the White House last April is “a computer-generated”...
“Sovereign Citizen Movement” Continues to Attract Attention
Film star Wesley Snipes (One Night Stand, Blade) is scheduled for release from federal prison on July 19, 2013, 31 months after being incarcerated for failure to file his...