About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Ending “Too Big to Fail” Gaining Momentum?
Just two days separated a letter from Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone magazine and a report from the president of the Dallas Federal Reserve, each remarkably calling for the...
Oil Bubble Is Good for U.S. Manufacturing
The rising oil production from North Dakota’s Bakken Formation now equals that of Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay for the first time, according to the Wall Street Journal, due to technological...
President’s Solution to High Gas Prices? More Government!
On Tuesday the President targeted speculators for driving up the price of oil and recommended additional oversight on the oil markets manned by an increased number of regulators to...
Book Review: “Fast and Furious” by Katie Pavlich
The reviews of Townhall.com’s contributing editor Katie Pavlich’s book Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Coverup have been unremittingly positive. Critics of it have been...
NBC Manipulating the Facts Again?
Journalist Scott Cohn’s piece on Remington Arms Company's allegedly faulty trigger mechanism that aired on NBC News’ Rock Center With Brian Williams on Wednesday night, April 11, made it...
Big Losses for Taxpayers as Another Green Company Turns Rotten
Beacon Power, the beneficiary of the endless flow of taxpayer guarantees emanating from the Department of Energy, went into bankruptcy in just over two years, leaving lawyers from the...
Hostess to Unions: No More Sugar for You
When Hostess Brands, maker of Wonder Bread, Twinkies, and Ding Dongs, declared bankruptcy on January 12, it said it can’t make interest payments on its $860 million of outstanding...
Buffett Rule Foolishness
On Monday, April 16, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote on a procedural motion intended to move the so-called Buffett Rule forward. The motion, if agreed to by...
Romney Expected to “Reassure” NRA on Second Amendment
On Friday, April 13, apparent Republican front-runner Mitt Romney will address the national convention of the National Rifle Association (NRA) in St. Louis where a nervous audience will seek “reassurance”...
Tea Party Accepts IRS Tax Exemption, Then Complains of IRS Intrusion
A coalition of Tea Party groups has decided that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is making it too difficult for start-up Tea Party groups to qualify for tax exempt...
The Budget Battle: Entitlements Staying, Taxes Going Up
When Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Chairman of the House Budget Committee, summarized his tax and spend plan, he used standard Republican rhetoric in explaining it. ...
$5 Trillion Tax Hike Coming
Back in February when the Congress voted to extend the payroll tax “holiday” to the end of the year, the Washington Post was the first to notice the tsunami...
CFR’s Plan to Improve Education: Change Nothing
The charge made by a report from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) that the country’s students score poorly despite U.S. schools spending more than schools in other countries...
The JOBS Bill: An Encouraging Sign of Intelligent Life in Washington
When President Obama signs the JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Start-up Act) bill into law today it will reflect the first sign in a long time that some in Congress...
Justice Department to Sue Apple, Publishers for eBook Price Collusion
When the Justice Department announced in March that it intended to sue Apple and five book publishers for collusion over the pricing of eBooks, David Boaz of the Cato...