About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
More Evidence the Recession Has Started (Again)
Despite his firm defense of his call that the U.S. economy entered into another recession in July this year, Lakshman Achuthan of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) continued...
Union Protesters Set to Descend on Michigan’s Capitol Over Right-to-work Issue
Potentially thousands of union protesters could descend on Michigan's capitol Tuesday morning, fighting a war that has already been lost against Right-to-Work laws. Both houses have already approved the...
Obama Spokesman Suggests the End of the War on Terror
A writer at the Washington Post took a snippet out of a speech by President Obama's Defense Department general counsel and concluded that he saw an end to the...
Eliminate the Debt Ceiling Altogether, Says Senior Fellow at Brookings
Isabel Sawhill, a senior fellow at The Brookings Institution, thinks that the debt ceiling is an "anachronism" and ought to be repealed altogether. Many agree with her. ...
Homicides in Chicago to Establish a New Record in 2012 — Who’s to Blame?
Chicago is experiencing a high and rising homicide rate, with some predicting 500 or more by the end of the year. Many have tried to explain the phenomenon. ...
Fiscal Cliff: Ron Paul Decries Bipartisan Efforts; Predicts Compromise
Texas Republican Representative Ron Paul has, based on his decades of experience watching Washington negotiate and dither, predicted a last-minute compromise that will increase government spending and put off...
The National Debt: What Really Needs to Be Done
Most political talk is now focused on the “fiscal cliff,” but usually the talk avoids probing the depth of the problem. And the problem won’t be addressed until it...
Latest Manufacturing Report Confirms ECRI’s Recession Call
Calling it “unexpected,” Reuters reported that the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) from the Institute for Supply Management for November fell to its lowest level in over three years. A...
Senator Tom Harkin Tries to Revive His High-frequency Trading Tax Bill
Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) continues to pump his bill to impose transaction fees on high-frequency trading, saying that they would raise a lot of money with few consequences. ...
Dollar’s Decline Catches Up With U.S. Mint
The decline in the purchasing power of the dollar has finally caught up with the U.S. Mint, which is planning to remove pennies and nickels from circulation. Also, the...
Three Studies of States Show That Freedom Works Best
Each year 24/7 Wall St. publishes the results of its survey of all 50 states and then ranks them from top to bottom — from “best run” to “worst run.” CNBC...
San Bernardino Seeks to Stiff the Country’s Largest Pension Plan
The "pendency plan" just passed by the San Bernardino, California, city council includes "renegotiating" its pension liabilities with CalPERS, the country's largest pension plan. ...
Taxpayer Protection Pledge Takers Now Breaking Their Promise
Since Senator Saxby Chambliss' defection on Thursday from his Taxpayer Protection Pledge, two other senators and a member of the House have also bailed, claiming now that tax increases...
Atlanta Bureaucrats Studying Government-funded Bike-sharing Schemes
City planners in Atlanta, undeterred by the failure of bike-sharing schemes elsewhere, are moving ahead with their plans to install another one there, no doubt with taxpayer funds. ...
Latest U-Haul Index Shows Californians Leaving for Texas
One of the best indicators of a state’s economic health, according to John Merline, writing in Investor’s Business Daily, is the “U-Haul Index” (first publicized by economist Mark Perry)...