About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
A Rand Paul/Mike Lee Ticket for 2016?
A pundit writing for The Hill has suggested that two senators who voted against the fiscal cliff bill might turn their attention to the 2016 presidential election. Based on their...
The Fiscal Cliff Deal: Taxpayers Pay More, Deficits Rise
With the newly enacted American Taxpayer Relief Act, taxpayers will find once again that their taxes will be going up, along with deficits and government spending, despite the rhetoric about the...
The San Antonio Theater Shooting the National Media Ignored
A theater shooting in San Antonio, Texas, on December 16 was ignored by the national media. Unlike the horrific Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, two days earlier,...
Prominent Conservative British Journalist William Rees-Mogg Dead at 84
With the passing of British writer The Right Honourable The Lord Rees-Mogg, a voice that for more than 60 years resonated in the freedom firmament was stilled. ...
Plans to Oust House Speaker Boehner Are Taking Shape
Following increasing dissatisfaction with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), staffs of unnamed House members have developed a detailed plan to oust him as the first order of business when...
Debt Ceiling Debate Now Set for February 2013
Using "extraordinary measures," the Treasury won't hit the debt ceiling for another two months, which will then precipitate another debt ceiling crisis, with the same outcome as before: government...
Gun Classes for Teachers Taking Off Following NRA’s Suggestion
Following the suggestion by the NRA that schools should have armed security to prevent another tragedy, numerous groups are offering such training to teachers, often for free. ...
Newsweek’s Last Print Issue Is December 31
The decision to stop printing Newsweek magazine after Monday, December 31, reflects a change not only in how its subscribers access the news but a change in what they...
Obama Administration Intends to Increase Limits on Gun Ownership
Despite the now obvious intentions of the Obama administration to attempt to restrict further Americans' right to purchase and own guns, those same citizens are not likely to accept...
NRA’s Response to Sandy Hook: Federally Funded Police in Every School
The National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre wants Congress to provide funding immediately for placing armed police officers in every school in the country. ...
Senator John Kerry to Replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State
Senator John Kerry's impeccable credentials as a "climate hawk," membership in Yale's secret society Skull and Bones, and a voting record that almost completely ignores the Constitution, qualify him...
Rep. Tim Scott to Replace Senator Jim DeMint in January
When South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley announced Monday that she would appoint Rep. Tim Scott to replace Senate Jim DeMint in the upcoming 113th Congress, she was full of...
House Speaker Boehner Offers Plan B with Tax Increases
House Speaker John Boehner offered his Plan B to the White House as part of the chess game being played over the fiscal cliff, indicating that tax increases are...
More of America’s National Debt Being Bought by Foreign Governments
Foreign governments continue to increase their purchases of U.S. government debt despite concerns over the fiscal cliff and the government's continued profligate spending. ...
Latest Move by the Federal Reserve Raises Important Questions
All the chairman of the Federal Reserve has done in his latest announcement of a new bond-buying program is give himself and his Federal Open Market Committee permission to...