About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Rep. Paul Ryan’s New Budget to Repeal ObamaCare, Replace Medicare
The underlying assumptions of Rep. Paul Ryan's new budget to be unveiled on Tuesday, which include repealing ObamaCare and replacing Medicare, make his promise that the federal budget will...
Friday’s Surprisingly Strong Jobs Numbers Aren’t Real
According to Friday's Labor Department report, the economy generated 236,000 new jobs in February, dropping the unemployment rate to 7.7 percent. But these number do not reflect some unsettling...
Ammo Shortages: More Than Simple Supply and Demand?
Despite much speculation that huge government agency orders for billions of rounds of ammunition are deliberately designed to result in "de facto" gun control, a more reasoned response is...
Inspector General: Much of Money for Iraq Reconstruction Wasted
The Inspector General says a lot of money was wasted in trying to rebuild Iraq but fails to mention the real costs of war and its aftermath: the increasing...
Michigan Governor Snyder Declares Detroit a Fiscal Disaster
The headline that Detroit's financial difficulties are so severe that Michigan's governor must name an emergency financial manager to run the place obscures the renaissance that is taking place...
10th Anniversary of U.K. Whistleblower Almost Averting Iraq War
Ten years ago Katharine Gun leaked a secret email from the U.S. National Security Agency ordering her and others in her section at the U.K.'s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)...
Colorado Gun Accessories Maker to Leave When Magazine Limits Bill Passes
In a magnificent gesture a gun accessories manufacturer near Boulder, Colorado, has vowed to move out of the state if the legislature passes a bill restricting magazine capacities, while...
Maryland Senate Passes Governor O’Malley’s Gun Control Bill
The Maryland Senate passed Governor Martin O'Malley's signature legislation, a highly restrictive gun control bill, that may be not so much about decreasing crime and more about enhancing O'Mallley's...
Background Check Bill for Private Gun Sales Is Stalled
The pushback against a national registry of law-abiding gun owners appears to be more than sufficient to kill any such legislation from being enacted, at least for the time...
Those Walmart E-mails and the U.S. Economy
The Wall Street Journal's conclusion that Walmart's slow start at the beginning of the year was a harbinger for the balance of 2013 has just been proven premature by...
First Anniversary of Florida Shooting Still Raises Questions
On the first anniversary of the shooting death of black teenager Trayvon Martin by Hispanic neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, there remain many unanswered questions — to be answered...
Moody’s Downgrades Britain’s Credit, Expects Little Improvement for Years
The greatly delayed and infinitesimally small credit rating downgrade of the U.K.'s debt by Moody's Investors Service caused nary a ripple in bond markets, as Britain's welfare state continues...
Gas Prices May Drop in Short Term, But Will Likely Stay High
The price of gasoline, according to the Energy Information Administration, may fall in the near future, but will likely rise again and continue to stay high for a number...
New York Times Attempts to Sell the Boston Globe, Again
In its transition from print to digital the New York Times continues to shed assets. It wants to unload the Boston Globe and its related businesses, but it will...
Reaping the Whirlwind: the Colorado Model and Gun Control
The successful passing of four gun control bills by the Colorado House of Representatives is only the first of an avalanche of progressive legislation that is coming from successful...