About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Snopes Misses on Story of Collusion Between Sen. Feinstein and Husband’s Company
Snopes' "vetting" of a story about an inside deal between the U.S. Postal Service and Senator Feinstein's husband's company was a whitewash, failing to mention the couple's rampant self-dealing,...
National Taxpayers Union Finds Major Spending Shift in 112th Congress
The National Taxpayers Union’s count of the cost of each member of Congress' "wish list" shows a dramatic shift away from more spending and toward less spending. Moving from...
Portland, Oregon, Votes Down Plan to Fluoridate its Water, Again
In a triumph of information over half-truths and a victory of voters over politicians' backroom deals, Portland, Oregon, once again voted down the city's plan to fluoridate its water....
Judge in Trayvon Martin Case Rules Some Evidence Off Limits
Even if the Florida jury to be impaneled in the June trial of George Zimmerman believes him innocent in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman is likely to...
Two Million March Against Monsanto in Worldwide Protest of GM Foods
On May 25 an estimated two million people turned out in 436 cities in 52 countries to protest genetically modified foods and their main developer, Monsanto. ...
Lawsuit to be Filed Against IRS to Stop Targeting of Tea Party Groups
The ACLJ lawsuit to be filed against the IRS in the widening targeting scandal could possibly lead to proof that the White House was directly involved from the beginning....
Major Retailers Sue Visa and MasterCard Over Swipe Fees
After eight years of litigation, Visa and MasterCard are within shouting distance of their long-term goal: protection of a massive and increasing flow of cash from consumers without further...
Senate Votes to Continue Sugar Subsidies
Free-market arguments aren't enough to overcome the political clout of the favored class receiving sugar subsidies from the federal government. ...
Cost Estimate of Government Regulations Doesn’t Measure the Real Cost
The estimate that the cost of government regulations now exceed half of the annual budget for the first time fails to take into account the cost in freedoms lost...
“Form OBMA” Added to Tax Forms for 2014?
Form OBMA, or one like it, will begin showing up in the mail from the IRS as ObamaCare is implemented. The question remains, will taxpayers continue to take these incursions...
Colorado Sheriffs and Other Plaintiffs Sue to Void Two Gun Laws
A lawsuit announced on May 17 in Denver to void two of Colorado's most restrictive gun control laws was supported by most of Colorado's sheriffs, and is only the...
House Votes to Repeal ObamaCare, Again
Thursday's House vote was strictly political. As implementation of ObamaCare takes place over the next couple of years, Americans will finally be able to "see what's in the bill,"...
Exposure of IRS Malfeasance Erodes Confidence in Big Government
The only thing certain following the conclusion of the various investigations into the IRS' targeting of conservative charities is this: Americans' distrust of big government in general and the...
IRS Investigations Used in the Past to Intimidate and Punish
The Internal Revenue Service has been used for decades as a tool to intimidate, neutralize, and punish opponents of the White House, no matter who is in office. ...
Clock Is Ticking on Illinois Pension Reform
Two bills designed to reform the state's dreadfully underfunded pension obligations have just passed the Illinois legislature. Neither will do much, if anything, about those obligations, thanks to union...