About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
DHS’ Napolitano Leaves Legacy of Corruption, Lies, Lawsuits, and Waste
The surprise announcement that DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano will be leaving the Obama administration to head up the University of California means that she may have less opportunity to...
Walmart Shrugs: Pulls Plans to Build Stores in Washington, D.C.
If Washington D.C.'s Mayor Vincent Gray doesn't veto a discriminatory minimum-wage law targeted at Walmart, the retailer is likely to shrug, and find other friendlier places to do business....
Expanded Mental Health Recording Raises Privacy, Gun Control Issues
The dangers of expanding the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to include "mentally defective" individuals and requiring states to include everyone diagnosed as such is raising concerns over...
CDC Study Ordered by Obama Contradicts White House Anti-gun Narrative
The establishment media silence is deafening when a report like the one Obama ordered from the CDC contradicts the anti-gun narrative of the White House. ...
South Dakota Becomes One of the First States to Allow Armed Teachers
It is hoped that with the implementation of South Dakota's "School Sentinel" law, allowing teachers and other school personnel to carry sidearms, that other states will quickly pass similar...
NSA Surveillance Disclosures Recall Days of East German STASI
The comparison of the NSA to the East German STASI reflects the same problem of the surveillance state: Just who is sorting through the large amounts of data? ...
Former MF Global Head Jon Corzine Sued for Theft of Customer Funds
The sanctions sought against Jon Corzine, the former head of the bankrupt trading firm MF Global, by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in a lawsuit filed in U.S....
Key ObamaCare Mandate Delayed; Critics Escalate Attacks
Tuesday's announcement by the Treasury Department delaying implementation of part of ObamaCare may turn out to be a brilliant political maneuver: defanging latent Republican resistance until after the 2014...
Supreme Court Expected to Allow Severe Rules on Coal-fired Plants
If the Supreme Court reverses a lower court's ruling against the EPA, the costs of going green will become obvious to every living soul who turns on a light....
New Revelations About NSA Spying Abroad Enrage European Officials
Saturday’s revelations by the German newspaper Der Spiegel that U.S. agents placed bugs in European Union officials’ offices in New York and Washington and hacked into EU headquarters in Brussels...
California Sheriff Strips Forest Service Agents of Law-enforcement Powers
When California's El Dorado County Sheriff John D'Agostini stripped agents of the U.S. Forest Service their law enforcement powers inside his county, he was simply exercising his rights as...
Federal Regulations Cut Standard of Living by 75 Percent Over 56 Years
There are political costs as well, but the 75 percent reduction in Americans' standard of living shows just how costly the regulatory state has been for the country over...
Marc Rich, the Oil Trader Clinton Pardoned on His Last Day, Dead at 78
Both excoriated and celebrated, Marc Rich developed his commodity trading business into a massive world-wide powerhouse employing more than 100,000 people, based on one principle: finding a need, and...
Consumer Confidence Not Matched by Reality
A closer look behind the Conference Board's rosy consumer confidence survey released on Monday reveals an economy, at the individual and family level, that hardly merits such optimism. ...
Snowden Headed to Ecuador for Asylum?
Edward Snowden's final destination is uncertain, with reports of Ecuador, Venezuela, or even Cuba being his target to escape prosecution for blowing the whistle on the NSA. ...