About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
President Obama Losing Support from his Own
As President Obama’s poll numbers continue to drop, he is losing the support even of his liberal base. ...
Two “Non-Partisan” Groups Push for More Taxes to Reduce National Debt
Continued efforts to persuade Americans to push for higher taxes to close the deficit and reduce the national debt are falling on deaf ears. ...
Summers Is Out; Yellen Is In; the Fed Rolls On
Now that the name of Summers has been removed from the list of Fed chair nominations, Yellen is the likely pick. The Fed itself will remain unchanged. ...
Syrian “Deal” Fraught With Peril
The Syrian agreement hammered out between the United States and Russia damages American interests while emboldening her enemies. ...
House GOP Leadership Thwarted by Tea Party Conservatives over Defunding ObamaCare
Congressional Tea Party conservatives shut down the vote on a bill to continue government spending after September 30 because it was a "trick," "chicanery," and "hocus-pocus." ...
First Recall in Colorado History Ousts Two Anti-gun Senators
In Tuesday's recall election in Colorado, grasssroots political action by enraged gun owners overcame an 11-1 spending disadvantage to oust two state senators who had voted for strict gun...
Warren Buffett’s Railroad Tests Natural Gas to Drive Its Locomotives
The announcement by BNSF Railway that it is testing liquefied natural gas to power its locomotives is one small indication of the huge revolution taking place in the energy...
Newest Jobs Report: There’s Good News, and Then…
Another report on unemployment, another slight uptick. But the numbers don't reflect reality, nor do they portend a stronger economy in the future. ...
Despite Big Push by Obama, Support for Syrian Attack Dwindles
With support for his proposed attack on Syria melting away, Obama has promised a full-on argument for this plan on television on Tuesday night. Who will be watching? ...
Unintended Consequences From Potential Syrian Attack Continue to Grow
The unintended consequences of the threatened military attack against Syria continue to pile up, threatening Obama's image as savior and statesman as well as the tenure of Republicans supporting...
Surveillance Spending Vastly More Than Previously Thought
The brief, limited, and dated peek into the black operations of spy agencies confirms that the surveillance state is vastly larger and more expensive than most thought. ...
Obama Issues Two More Anti-gun Executive Orders
Despite fresh evidence that gun control does not reduce violent crime, President Obama just issued two more anti-gun executive orders. ...
Obama Ready to Launch Unilateral Military Assault on Syria
U.S. military preparations are underway for a limited, two-day surgical strike aimed at “punishing” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons. ...
Larry Summers to Replace Ben Bernanke at the Fed?
Larry Summers is likely to be nominated to replace Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, not because of his skills, abilities or experience, but because of his connections. ...
War Hawks Urge Military Intervention in Syria
Following reports of chemical attacks in Syria on August 21, war hawks are urging, and the Pentagon is developing, plans to remove Syria President Assad's chemical weapons facilities. ...