About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Obama’s “Fix” of ObamaCare’s Debut Is Unconstitutional
A legal scholar has asserted that President Obama’s announced "fix" for the fumble he caused in his ObamaCare rollout is unconstitutional. ...
3-D Plastic Printing Technology May Make Gun Detection “Impossible”
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) said that it will be nearly impossible to detect 3-D printed plastic guns using current tracking technology. ...
Obama’s Trust and Approval Ratings Drop to Lowest Level Since His Inauguration
The latest Quinnipiac poll reflects Americans' increasing unhappiness not only with ObamaCare but with its author as well. ...
Mexican Citizens Forming Self-defense Groups Against Drug Cartels
Exasperated at failed attempts by the Mexican government to neutralize the drug cartel that virtually owns the Michoacán state, citizens are banding together into self-defense forces. ...
Students Sanctioned for Defending Themselves in College-owned Apartment
Two Gonzaga University students defended themselves, as is their natural and constitutional right. But the university said they violated its "gun free zone" rules. ...
New Jersey Governor Christie Denies Running for President
Newly reelected New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was busy over the weekend explaining that his focus is on running New Jersey and not worrying about running for president in 2016....
S&P Downgrades France’s Debt Again, to Third Tier, Halfway to Junk
The Standard & Poor's downgrade of France's debt to third tier signifies very little: "investment grade" for a socialistic disaster like France removes all meaning from the word. ...
“Stadium Wave” Phenomenon Defeats Climate-changers’ Claims
The so-called "hiatus" in temperature change since 1998 could be as simple as the rhythms of nature: ebb and flow, rise and fall, the changing of the seasons —...
Mixed Results From Tuesday’s Elections
A closer look at Tuesday's elections reveals the conservative movement alive and well, even if often compromised by establishment Republicans or craftily deceived by liberal Democrats. ...
Atlanta Mayor’s Spat With Street Vendors Goes National
If Atlanta's Mayor Kasim Reed had just followed the law and the court's ruling, his recent spat with street vendors would never have become national news. ...
Supreme Court to Hear Pennsylvania Poisoning Case With Huge Implications
Big gates often swing on little hinges. If the big gate Supreme Court case of Bond v. United States swings shut, it could give the government unlimited treaty enforcement...
Hillary Clinton Launches Her 2016 Campaign With High-dollar Speeches
The former Secretary of State has all but officially announced her candidacy for 2016 with a burst of speechifying to wealthy donors. ...
Kickstarter Marks Another Milestone
Kickstarter provides a platform that matches entrepreneurs with capital. The results are borderline miraculous. ...
Lower Gas Prices Coming?
An October 25 article for CNBC predicted that gas prices, down significantly from where they were in April, would continue to slide by at least another 10 cents per...
Puerto Rico’s Bond Prices Are Falling Sharply, Foreshadowing U.S. Problems
The economic problems facing Puerto Rico are the same problems facing the United States, and they are caused by the same things. ...