About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Minnesotans Score Small Victory in Civil Asset Forfeiture War
On August 1, citizens in Minnesota will rejoice that the police can no longer steal their property without being convicted — or even charged with — a crime. ...
Senior Editor at New York Times Fired on Wednesday
The media successfully hid from most curious eyes the real reason behind Jill Abramson's sudden departure: pressure from the White House. ...
Faux Conservative Sasse Wins Nebraska GOP Primary for U.S. Senate
With Sasse's GOP primary victory in Nebraska on Tuesday, the establishment Republicans got what they wanted: another suit just like the one retiring in January. ...
Playground Photo Reignites Gun Control Debate
Thanks to the Internet, Facebook, informed citizens, and sheriffs with understanding and backbone, enforcement of unconstitutional gun laws will be increasingly difficult to accomplish. ...
1.2 Billion for New White House Helicopters Just the Beginning
It didn’t take long for critics to scoff at the costs of the latest effort to upgrade the fleet of presidential helicopters announced by the Defense Department on Wednesday,...
Barbara Walters Calling It Quits After 50 Years
When Barbara Walters will end her 50-year career of inviting liberals to promote their progressive causes du jour on Friday. ...
Michigan Senator Wants to Close “Tax Inversion” Loophole
In his swan song, hard-left Michigan Democrat Senator Carl Levin has proposed eliminating a tax strategy companies have used for years to avoid paying high taxes in the United...
House Holds Former IRS Official Lois Lerner in Contempt
For all intents, the investigation of the IRS targeting scandal is over. The aftermath, however, appears favorable, as IRS budget cuts are likely and citizens' respect for the agency...
Media Celebration Over Fracking Verdict Is Premature
Behind the media's celebratory headlines about a victory over fracking is the plain and simple fact that this verdict was no victory over fracking. ...
Supreme Court: Explicitly Christian Public Prayers Are Constitutional
The ruling should have been 9-0. Instead, religious freedom was sustained by the slimmest of margins: 5-4. ...
Rosy Jobs Report Fails to Mask Economy’s Continuing Weakness
Looking past Friday's rosy jobs report headlines from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals an economy that is far from robust. ...
New Polls Suggest Huge GOP Gains in November
The best news out of these two polls: disaffection among young voters, who are turning from politics to volunteering locally. ...
GM Bailout Cost Taxpayers Far More Than Just $11 Billion
The GM bailout debacle cost taxpayers far more than $11 billion, as was reported by the Detroit Free Press. ...
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case Against NDAA Unlawful Detention
The Supreme Court missed an opportunity to protect Americans from an overzealous government but instead let stand a pernicious law that threatens every one of them. ...
How Much Is $1 Trillion — Besides Half the Federal Regulatory Cost?
Wayne Crews, author of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s annual report on the federal regulatory burden, has a problem: No one can imagine a trillion dollars — much less $2...