About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
NATO Head: Russia Is Funding Anti-fracking Movement
The head of NATO said Russia is promoting the anti-fracking agenda to protect its natural gas interests, while anti-fracking groups denied the charges. ...
Mississippi Is the Most Corrupt State, Says a New Study
Mississippi ranks at the very top of the list of all states for violating federal corruption laws, according to a recent study. ...
Establishment Republicans Secure Leadership Roles Following Cantor’s Defeat
The establishment Republicans moved swiftly to close ranks following the surprise defeat of one of the own last week. ...
Lois Lerner’s E-mails: Gone Forever?
While the IRS claims that Lois Lerner's e-mails are lost because her hard drive was destroyed, the truth is that the information is likely out there somewhere. ...
Medtronic Announces Massive Deal to Lower Corporate Taxes
One of the largest "tax inversion" deals was announced earlier this week, reflecting continued disgust with U.S. corporate tax rates, the highest in the world. ...
Obama Further Inflates Student Loan Bubble
The president's plan to make student loan borrowing easier will merely insure that more and more graduates will become debt slaves, assuming they can find work. ...
Chinese Economist at IMF Warns of Global Housing Bubble
IMF deputy Zhu Min has learned nothing from history, announcing another housing bubble that will be "fixed" only by more interference. ...
Obama, Media Mislead on Gun Crime Statistics in U.S., Australia
In the ongoing war against guns, facts, history, logic, or experience don't matter. A lie repeated often enough becomes truth. ...
Google Buys Skybox for its Eye-in-the-Sky Technology
Google has expanded its ability to keep an eye on everyone by buying "eye-in-the-sky" technology from Skybox. ...
Teacher Tenure Laws Struck Down in California
In the ruling on Tuesday in Vergara v. State of California, all of the egregious laws protecting incompetent teachers were thrown out. ...
Va. Landslide: Virtually Unknown College Prof Defeats Eric Cantor
The electoral "earthquake" in Virginia on Tuesday proves that establishment icons such as House Majority Leader Eric Cantor can be exposed and defeated. ...
A Hero Emerges From the Horror of the Las Vegas Shootings
The national media largely ignored the actions of an unsung man who delayed the attackers long enough to allow the police to arrive to neutralize the threat. ...
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Case on Reporter’s Privilege
By refusing to consider James Risen's petition, the Supreme Court lets stand its offensive and anti-First Amendment ruling from 1972. ...
Oklahoma Affirms Gold and Silver as Legal Tender
On June 4, Oklahoma joined Utah, Texas, and Louisiana in affirming that gold and silver coins are legal tender in the payment of debts within the state. ...
More Than One in Five Children Remain in Poverty
If further proof is needed that the so-called War on Poverty continues to fail, the latest report from the Census Bureau has just provided it: 21.3 percent of children...