About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Cassidy Replaces Landrieu; GOP Gains Nine Senate Seats
Bill Cassidy, runoff winner of Mary Landrieu's U.S. Senate seat for Louisiana, is no constitutional statesman, but just another loyal Republican Party follower. ...
Gas Prices: How Much Lower and Longer?
Lower gas prices are providing a welcome if temporary relief to beleaguered taxpayers, and we tell why prices have gone down. ...
Swiss Bank Referendum Fails, Franc Drops
The failure of a referendum to shore up the Swiss franc has given the Swiss Central Bank carte blanche to inflate its currency "as necessary." ...
Lawsuit Filed in Homeschool Pepper Spray Incident
The Hagans were pepper sprayed and arrested because they wouldn't let a woman from social services in their home without a warrant, and now they are suing — and...
Lower Crude Oil Prices Already Pinching Producers
The continuing decline in crude oil prices is shaking up the assumptions and presuppositions of producers, investors, and governments. ...
Warrantless Taking of Drivers’ Blood Samples Ruled Unconstitutional
A single small victory in a big war to safeguard the Fourth Amendment — this time having to do with being forced to take a breathalyzer test or blood...
Gun Sales Triple on Black Friday
Black Friday ought to be renamed Freedom Friday, considering the dramatic increase in gun sales. ...
Latest Survey: Farmers Disagree With Manmade Climate Changers
The way to end one's career is to publish survey results that dispute the establishment meme: Man is responsible for climate change. ...
Oil Market: Lower Gas Prices not the Only Reason to be Thankful
It's a delight to behold: Lower crude oil prices are reducing gas prices while simultaneously moving America away from the dangerous energy dependence of the past. ...
Ferguson Businesses Damaged in Rioting Owned Mostly by Minorities
Following the announcement of the grand jury's decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, rioters in Ferguson, Missouri, burned mostly minority-owned businesses...
Ferguson: Grand Jury Does Not Indict Officer Wilson in Brown Case
The Ferguson grand jury turned down all five potential charges brought against Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, with none of them being persuasive enough to garner the nine votes...
Ferguson: Waiting on Justice
The grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, will release its verdict in the shooting death of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson 48 hours after it has informed public...
Blowback Against Washington State’s Anti-gun Initiative Just Beginning
Some unintended consequences of Washington State's new gun control laws are just beginning to surface. ...
Taxi Union Flexes Its Muscle, Shuts Down San Francisco International Airport
Using outdated tactics to gain clout, the taxi union's shutdown of San Francisco International Airport on Monday night merely hastens the day of its demise. ...
Israel Considering Relaxing Gun Laws Following Synagogue Attack
Contrary to public perception, Israel has some of the most restrictive gun laws on the planet. That isn't likely to change, even after the synagogue attack on Saturday. ...