About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Albany Assembly Speaker’s Prosecution Is Just Beginning
The U.S. attorney who prosecuted former Speaker of the New York State Assembly Sheldon Silver for corruption must feel like a mosquito at a nudist camp, surrounded with unlimited opportunity....
Kansas Universities Prepare for Students Carrying Concealed on Campus
Concerns by some administrators and students about students being allowed to carry on campus is much ado about nothing: Crime will decline while carrying concealed becomes commonplace. ...
Planned Parenthood Shooter’s History Proves Background Checks Don’t Work
A background check, no matter how rigorous, would never have picked up Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear and kept him from purchasing and using a firearm. ...
Obama Seizes on Colorado Planned Parenthood Attack to Promote Gun Control
Agendas were in full public display following the massacre of innocents at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs. Nothing was mentioned about the massacre of countless unborn innocents there every...
Lawsuit Against Gun Shop’s “Muslim Free Zone” Tossed
CAIR is determined to silence its critics by any means, including using frivolous lawsuits designed to harass and intimidate. ...
Brazil’s Petrobras Scandal Widens, Threatens President Rousseff
The criminals saw their opportunity and they took it. As this scam is exposed it may reach all the way to the top. ...
Anti-gun Democrats Push to Remove Constitutional Rights From “Suspected” Terrorists
Democrats have reintroduced yet another gun control bill, but this is not just another attempt to do an end-run around the Constitution, but a frontal attack on it and...
Saudi Arabia Announces Its Willingness to “Stabilize” Oil Prices
In attempting to flood the world markets with oil and put many U.S. oil fracking companies out of business, OPEC overplayed its hand, and the world will continue to...
Congress Votes to Raid Fed’s Slush Fund to Pay for Highways
With a seemingly innocuous transportation bill, the Federal Reserve's precious "independence" is being threatened — which could be a first step toward its abolition once people realize how the...
GOP Establishment Targets Trump
A stumbling startup organization called Trump Card LLC could end up being a threat to Trump and a warning to other candidates inclined to challenge the establishment GOP as...
Democrat Strategy to Take Back the Senate: Attack the Koch Brothers
Will low-information voters fall for an attack on the Koch brothers, rather than demand a debate about policies, in the Democrats' bid to retake the Senate? Or will they...
Oil: How Much Lower?
The question of just how far oil prices may fall remains an open question. A "black swan" event could, however, drop oil to $4 a barrel. by Bob Adelmann...
Black Lives Matter, NAACP Exploit Minnesota Shooting
Within hours of the shooting of Jamar Clark by Minnesota police early Sunday morning, revolutionary groups NAACP and Black Lives Matter had rounded up an estimated 300 people and...
More Signs the Economy Is Slowing
Signs that the economy is slowing are not aberrations due to bad weather or attitudes, but harbingers of the next recession. ...
World Oil Glut Swells to 3 Billion Barrels, Driving Prices Down Further
For political and economic reasons, the world oil glut is unlikely to end anytime soon. This will keep oil prices low for the foreseeable future. ...