About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Business Owner Requires Employees to Carry in the Office
After WSBTV aired the story of a business owner in the Atlanta Metro area who requires all of his employees to get a permit and carry a firearm in...
Trump On a Roll, Headed Into Super Tuesday
Seemingly impervious to attacks, Trump continues to roll into Super Tuesday. ...
Following Kalamazoo Shooting, Obama Calls for More Gun Laws, Again
Wash, rinse, repeat. A spiel against guns and gun owners is the standard presidential and media response to a shooting, this time in Michigan. ...
Russia Wants to Fly Over the U.S. Using Its Latest Spy Technology
Russia is about to ask permission of the Open Skies Consultative Commission (OSCC) in Vienna, Austria, to fly its latest reconnaissance aircraft, the Tu-214ON, over the United States. ...
Thanks to “Superdelegates,” Hillary Might Be Assured of Nomination
Some say Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee because of superdelegate pledges; however, superdelegates can change their pledges at any time, especially if Hillary is indicted or if...
Mainstream Media Is Writing Off Jeb Bush
Going into South Carolina's primary on Saturday, Bush, despite spending millions, is tied with John Kasich for fourth. If the media is writing off Jeb’s campaign, can Jeb himself...
Venezuelan President Maduro Raises Gas Prices 6,000 percent, Devalues Bolivar
President Maduro's madness will only accelerate Venezuela's destruction as well as possibly his own. ...
Will the South Carolina Primary Spell the End for Jeb Bush?
It appears that, to the ordinary South Carolina citizen, voter, and taxpayer, Jeb Bush's record smacks too much of ties to the despised establishment, and that this citizen is...
Agreement to Cut Oil Production Fades, Along With Crude Prices
A so-called agreement to limit oil production to help boost prices faded almost immediately, along with stock and oil prices, when it was realized there was no agreement after...
Is the U.S. Heading Into Another Recession?
By refusing to let the market clear itself of malinvestments, monetary manipulators are setting up the economy for another drop. ...
GOP Debate: Did We Learn Much Amidst the Acrimony?
In Saturday night's GOP debate, the punches and counterpunches flew. But amidst the accusations and denials, including the hurling of the "L" word ("Liar"), were we able to learn...
NYPD “Stingray” Use Exposed by the NY Civil Liberties Union
The NY Civil Liberties Union called out the NYPD for its years-long secret surveillance of New Yorkers without Fourth Amendment warrants. ...
Health Insurers Going Broke, Thanks to ObamaCare
ObamaCare was designed to fail, and it is following plan. The real question is: what will replace it? More of the same, or less? ...
Stock Market Is Predicting a Republican President
Now that gurus who follow historical economic trends have concluded that a Republican will win the presidency in 2016, those in the freedom fight can continue to work on...
Chesapeake Energy Claims It’s Not Declaring Bankruptcy
The collapsing oil and natural gas prices plus the “straight line” thinking that drove Chesapeake Energy to its present precarious position is putting it at serious risk of bankruptcy....