About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Chicago, Nearly a War Zone
Disarmed Chicago citizens are stuck: They can't obtain a gun permit to protect themselves and they can't afford to move, so they must cower before criminal thugs. ...
Dutch Pol Geert Wilders Refuses to Attend His Trial; Says It’s “Political”
Even if Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician accused of defaming Moroccans, is convicted, his party could benefit in the upcoming elections in March. ...
California’s Anti-gun Prop 63 Likely to Pass
Prop 63 is a phony political ploy designed to raise Lt. Governor Newsom from obscurity to prominence, but it will likely pass. ...
OPEC Fails to Agree as U.S. Energy Industry Ramps Up
OPEC is in a game it initiated and that it can't win and can't quit. In the process, OPEC is becoming increasingly irrelevant while U.S. producers are pushing ahead....
The Dumbing Down of America is NOT Complete
Just one brief look at what’s happening with homeschooling is sufficient to challenge the belief that the "dumbing down" of America is complete. ...
Ethanol Mandates Mean Big Profits for Big Oil
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 required oil refiners to add ethanol to their product or buy ethanol credits. Those credits are now being traded and reaping...
Gallup: Assault Weapons Ban Support at Lowest Level Ever Recorded
The trend toward the acceptance of the freedom to own guns continues, confounding the media and Gallup alike. ...
Former Pennsylvania AG to Serve 10 to 23 Months for Perjury, Obstruction
Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who is going to jail for obstructing justice and lying under oath, will have plenty of time to ponder this: "Why isn't Hillary...
Gallup’s Latest Poll: Americans’ Respect for Local Police Is Surging
Despite the deliberate attacks on local police designed to alienate them from their local constituencies, support for local police bounced to new highs in the latest Gallup poll. ...
Tom Hayden, 1960s Radical, Dead at 76
Shakespeare was right: "The evil that men do lives after them." So it is with enemy of freedom Tom Hayden. ...
Venezuela’s Congress Calls Maduro’s Blocking of Recall Vote a “Coup”
The economic chaos in Venezuela turned political on Sunday. When President Nicolas Maduro’s National Electoral Council (CNE), packed with his cronies, declared attempts to call for a national recall...
Hillary’s Anti-gun Stance Becomes Clearer Thanks to WikiLeaks
The tens of thousands of e-mails released by WikiLeaks over the last month have removed all doubts, if any still existed, that Hillary Clinton and her campaign will go...
Clinton Campaign’s Anti-Catholic Agenda Sparks Pushback
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, and others push back against the Clinton campaign's anti-Catholic bigotry as well as Hillary's strong support for...
Former Marine Corps General Pleads Guilty in Leaks Case
The FBI charged Retired Marine General James Cartwright for lying to the FBI, and it's unanimous that he is being offered up by the FBI as a sacrifice after...
Tax Foundation Rates Tax Plans of Trump and Clinton: Trump’s Plan Wins
Analysis by the Tax Foundation of Clinton's and Trump's tax plans show that Trump's plan is the highly preferable one of the two; however, little that the candidates want...