About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Maryland “Assault Weapons” Ban Upheld by Appeals Court
The majority’s reasoning in the February 21 Kolbe v. Hogan decision by the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, could carry the case to the Supreme Court...
Florida Legislators File Dozens of Gun Bills, Most Expanding Gun Rights
With about two dozen gun-related bills being filed ahead of next month’s 60-day legislative session scheduled to begin in Florida, the state continues to earn its nickname “The Gunshine...
Union Influence Fades as Right-to-work Gains Momentum
Right to work is a First Amendment issue which, as it gains momentum, is overriding unions' claims of "free-riding" to allow them to collect dues from non-members. ...
Pence Pledges U.S. “Continued Cooperation and Partnership” With EU
Vice President Mike Pence went out of his way Monday to reassure EU leaders that the United States will continue its support of the European Union. ...
Study: $15 Minimum Wage Would Force McDonald’s to Increase Prices 38 Percent
The Heritage Foundation's James Sherk blows up the Robin Hood assumptions of economists who should know better. ...
Saudi Arabia’s Troubles Mount: Public Sale of Part of Aramco Delayed
The Saudis announced in early 2016 that they would take their state-owned Saudi Aramco oil company public in 2017 or, at the latest, 2018. Now the offering is being...
Study: Savings in Welfare Costs Could Pay for Trump’s Wall
Steven Camarota's study about the costs of illegal immigration is helpful in many ways, but it doesn't point out present savings to be used to pay for a wall....
ObamaCare Replacement Plan Introduced in Congress
Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Mark Sanford introduced their ObamaCare Replacement Act on Wednesday, which would repeal nearly all of ObamaCare’s most onerous mandates while allowing individuals to purchase,...
Heritage Foundation Blames Obama Admin. for America’s Economic Decline
In commenting on the current state of economic decline in our country, the Heritage Foundation is following the First Rule of Holes: If you're in one, stop digging. ...
Trump Has Great Opportunity to Influence U.S. Jurisprudence
President Trump has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to influence American law and jurisprudence. ...
OPEC’s Influence Wanes as Members Cheat on Production Cuts
OPEC’s report on how its members are complying with the production-cut agreement hammered out last fall came out on Monday. As expected, it reported widespread cheating among its members....
Number of Former Sanctuary Cities Reversing Policy
Even as localities across the country are changing their tune on being "sanctuaries" for illegal immigrants, the big battles over illegal immigration lie ahead. ...
Americans, Europeans Agree: Trump Is Right on Immigration
A poll by Britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs, taken a month before President Donald Trump issued his temporary suspension on refugees, showed widespread and increasing support among Europeans...
Elites Prep for Trumpocalypse: Buying New Zealand Land, Condos in Old Missile Silos
The elites are prepping for doomsday — say WW3, a civil war, or other societal collapse — by buying land in New Zealand and condos in old missile silos,...
Greece Needs Another Bailout; Disagreement Threatens EU Itself
Could Greece's latest financial predicament be the straw that breaks the European Union's back? ...