About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Bank of America Fined Again; Board Likely to Laugh It Off
The $45 million fine is likely to be treated by the board as just another cost of doing business their way. ...
Wall Street Facing Headwinds as Boomers Forced to Liquidate Their IRAs, 401Ks
Under the law those reaching age 70 and a half must start taking their “required minimum distributions” (RMDs) from their various tax-deferred accounts. These include IRAs, 401Ks, profit-sharing plans,...
Cash-only Medical Care Benefits From IRS Non-enforcement of ObamaCare Mandate
With the Internal Revenue Service's abdication, ObamaCare's doom is sealed. The free market, on the other hand, is gearing up to provide alternatives. ...
Growing Pension Crisis Looms Over Wall Street
Discussion about pension plans being in trouble ignores the big elephant: the nation’s national debt. ...
How Trump Can Accelerate the Failure of ObamaCare
President Trump and HHS head Tom Price have many options on what to do with ObamaCare — most of them not likely to be needed as ObamaCare is collapsing nicely...
Austin Booted Uber and Lyft, Startups Struggle
When politicians interfered with Uber and Lyft and ran them off, they got a playing field at a much lower level, leaving customers cooling their heels at the airport....
Keystone XL Pipeline Granted Approval by State Department
It's comforting to note that TransCanada, the owner of the pipeline, still thinks the project is economically viable after all these years of delays. ...
Liberal Seminary Rescinds Award to be Given to Conservative Pastor
So much for diversity, freedom of speech and inclusiveness. ...
Fitch Knocks Saudi Arabia’s Credit Rating Down Another Notch
With low oil prices hurting Saudi Arabia's ability to pay off its welfare obligations, Fitch Ratings downgraded Saudi Arabia’s credit rating again on Wednesday, bringing it perilously close to...
Los Angeles Mayor Is Defiant Against Trump’s Executive Order Regarding Illegals
While states can legally nullify laws that are unconstitutional, Los Angeles is determined to remain a sanctuary city for its millions of illegal immigrants though the federal government is...
Saudi Arabia Losing Influence in Global Oil Markets
A self-imposed economic trap has sprung on OPEC-leading Saudi Arabia, making it apparent that American technology has for all practical purposes ended the OPEC cartel. ...
President Trump Wants Power to Fire the Head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency that has too much, ill-defined power, should be dismantled. But at least Trump might get the power to fire its director, as...
Trump’s “Great, Great Wall” to be Big and Scary
In his address to Congress earlier this month, President Donald Trump said, “We will soon begin the construction of a great, great wall along our southern border” to “restore...
Sessions Promotes “Project Exile” Solution to Gun Violence
Attorney General Sessions is promoting the reinstatement of Project Exile to combat gun violence, but some groups, including Gun Owners of America, say it is unconstitutional. ...
Venezuela’s Marxist Dictator Orders Arrest of Bakers Making Croissants
Venezuela's leader Nicolas Maduro inherited an incredible bread machine, and has done everything in his power to demolish it. ...