About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
If Socialism Is the Problem in Venezuela, More Sanctions Are Not the Solution
Overshadowed by his remarks concerning North Korea’s “Rocket Man” and the “worst ever” Iranian nuclear deal, President Donald Trump’s views on Venezuela in his speech at the United Nations...
Impact of Fed’s Plan to Do a “QE Unwind”
The fact that the Fed is flying blind in its attempt to unwind its massive increase in the money supply and massive increase in involvement in the markets makes...
Liberal Snowflakes at Cornell Suffer Meltdown Over Chanting About Trump’s Wall
When a member of the Zeta Psi fraternity chanted “Build a wall! Build a wall!” within earshot of the dormitory that houses La Associacion Latina, his action was deemed...
SHARE Act, Backed by NRA, Passes House Committee
The Washington Post gave credibility to the importance of the pro-Second Amendment SHARE Act by unleashing its most acerbic writer in attacking it. ...
Why Did the Judge Acquit a St. Louis Police Officer of Killing a Black Man?
Much of the mainstream media have been willing — too willing — to uncritically circulate the anti-cop narrative that a white police officer should have been found guilty of murder for...
Most Aid to Hurricane Victims Is Private, Not Government
As it stands now in the way of disaster relief in our country, private entities provide about 80 percent of recovery efforts. If the Constitution were being followed, the...
Trump Halts Chinese Deal to “Protect National Security”
It could be a case of locking the barn door after most of the horses have been stolen, but denying the sale of a semi-conductor plant to the Chinese...
Justice Department Closes File on Officers Charged in Freddie Gray Case
Mission accomplished: Freddie Gray's death will be forgotten along with the officers unfairly charged. What remains is what was sought: the permanent consent decree turning the Baltimore Police Department...
Judge Roy Moore Gaining Momentum Going into Alabama Senate Runoff
Judge Roy Moore, assuming he wins both the runoff and the special election, will no doubt give Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all manner of trouble. ...
New York Fed: Economy Will Benefit From Harvey and Irma
The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William Dudley, said on Friday that, on net, the destruction wrought by the hurricanes Harvery and Irma will be...
Hurricanes Hammer OPEC as Well
Hurricanes Irma and Harvey have lowered demand for crude oil, pushing supplies higher, not lower as OPEC desires. OPEC is out of options, save one: denial. ...
Price-gouging Laws Guarantee Shortages in Miami
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi's efforts to prevent alleged "price gouging" in the wake of Hurricane Irma will only lead to shortages and more people going without necessities. ...
Two Fourth Amendment Cases Prove the Constitution Still Works
It's comforting to those in the fight for freedom to learn that the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution is alive and well. ...
Jump in Jobless Claims Following Harvey Is Just the Beginning
Hurricanes Harvey, then Irma, and then possibly Jose, could be all that is needed to slow the economy and trigger a decline in stocks. ...
Rahm Emanuel Declares Chicago “Trump-free Zone”
In response to President Trump declaring termination of DACA, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel told "undocumented" students that his city was a "Trump-free zone" regarding immigration enforcement. ...