About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
New Florida Gun-control Bill Contains “Red Flag” Provision
In its haste to “do something … anything” in response to the Parkland, Florida, high-school shooting, Florida Republicans gave up any pretense of supporting the Bill of Rights. ...
Globalist Trump Advisor Gone, Will Americanist Take His Place?
Following the president’s decision to impose tariffs on aluminum and steel imports, Donald Trump’s chief economic advisor, Gary Cohn, announced his resignation on Tuesday. ...
No Weapons Violations in First Six Months of Campus Carry at KU Lawrence
Only "the news that fits" is published by the mainstream media. This good news about the effects of reduced concealed-carry restrictions from KU obviously didn't qualify. ...
U.S. Crude Oil Production Grows as OPEC’s Stagnates
The U.S. oil industry is only too happy to fill the void OPEC deliberately created by attempting to raise crude oil prices. ...
More Schools Allow Teachers and Staff to Arm Themselves
More and more school boards are realizing that teachers and staff members, with skill at arms, could end a potential shooting immediately or within seconds, while the police are...
Economy’s Performance Continues to Beat Forecasts
The economy is steaming along, continuing to confound forecasters. ...
Anti-gun Democrats Introduce Clinton-style Assault Weapons Ban
The Democrat gun-grabbers must have short memories. Following passage of the decade-long Clinton assault weapons ban in 1994, voters that year removed 8 Democrat senators and 54 Democrat representatives from...
Media Celebrate Companies Severing Ties With NRA
Following the announcement by a few well-known companies that they were “severing” their relationships with the National Rifle Association (NRA), the New York Times wrote positively of the actions....
Bernie Sanders Rails Against Trump and Tax Reform as Dems Flounder
Bernie Sanders, 76-year-old socialist senator from Vermont, looks and sounds more like a candidate for president in 2020 than a protester against Trump’s tax-reform law. ...
Pilots Are Armed, Why Not Teachers?
After 9/11, many pilots on commercial planes were allowed to be armed. The mere presence of armed pilots has seemingly eliminated highjackings. Why wouldn't that work for teachers? ...
Media Ignore Real Hero in Florida Shooting: Unarmed Off-duty Police Officer Heinrich
In the Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Jeff Heinrich was a hero. It's a shame so few know about him and his actions that ghastly day....
Trump Proposes Teachers Carry; Opponents Push Back
Trump's suggestion to arm teachers (which has already happened at some U.S. schools) is eminently reasonable, but the never-anything-Trump crowd doesn't think so. ...
Media Stacking the Deck for Gun Control Following Florida Shooting
To members of the mainstream media, especially CNN, there is only one solution to school shootings: more restrictions on innocent, law-abiding gun owners who had nothing whatever to do...
Trump Orders Ban on “Bump Stocks” in Wake of Florida School Shooting
Trump's apparent reversal on his promise to always protect Second Amendment rights may be a political move in light of the upcoming midterm elections. ...
Political Knives Resheathed, Trump Endorses Romney for Senate
Political expediency likely forced President Trump to endorse Mitt Romney, the former presidential two-time loser, for Utah's U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Orrin Hatch. ...