About: Bob Adelmann
Posts by Bob Adelmann
Social Security Benefits Have Lost One-Third of Their Purchasing Power Since 2000
Those who have started taking Social Security since 2000 have lost a third of their purchasing power, pushing many into poverty. ...
Wall Street Worries? Blame the Fed
It's the Fed. It's not durable goods orders or the "death cross" or other reports of an allegedly fading economy that's behind Wall Street's worries. ...
Kent State “Gun Girl” Wins First Round in Suit Against University
Those hoping that Kaitlin Bennett would simply go away and leave the Kent State University campus when she graduated in May 2017 have been sorely disappointed. ...
Fed Official Suggests Four More Interest Rate Hikes in 2019
Charles Evans of the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee says interest rates are too low and need to go higher. ...
Social Security COLA for 2019 Is 2.8 Percent, or $40 a Month
Starting in January, the 62 million Americans receiving Social Security will get a cost of living adjustment (COLA) in their benefit checks of about $40 a month. ...
U.S. Government Ran $100 Billion Deficit in October
The Treasury reported total government receipts of $253 billion for the month of October, while total outlays were $353 billion. The U.S. taxpayer is left holding the bag for...
Latest NFIB Report Confirms Robust Health of U.S. Economy
Despite the volatility on Wall Street, the U.S. economy continues its remarkable record-setting recovery from the Great Recession and the Obama administration. ...
Dow Loses 800 Points in Two Days — a Forecast of Weakening Economy?
Monday’s selloff in stocks brought the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than five percent since early October. Is this decline a harbinger of further declines to come? ...
OPEC: Do “Whatever it Takes” to Balance Oil Market
OPEC members said they would do whatever it takes to balance the oil market in the face of increasing U.S. production. ...
Oil Prices Below $60; Some Say They Could Drop to $40
As world oil demand slows, U.S. producers are still pumping oil, which will likely cause prices to continue to drop. ...
Wall Street Loves Gridlock: Stocks Jump Two Percent Day After Midterms
Trump's loss of the House will likely lead to gridlock, which the stock market likes, and successful efforts to continue to return America's judicial system to its constitutional foundation....
Law-abiding gun Owner Killed During Red Flag Confiscation Raid
Gary Willis of Ferndale, Maryland, was shot and killed by police after they appeared at his house to confiscate his weapons under a “red flag” law. ...
Wall Street Journal Says Dems Take House Tomorrow. Or Will They?
Tuesday’s results won’t likely be known until early Wednesday morning, and they could easily contain some nasty surprises for Democrats who are already rehearsing their impeachment speeches for the...
U.S. Officially the World’s Largest Crude Oil Producer
Increasing production from the U.S. oil patch is having global ramifications. ...
Jobs Report So Strong Even Democrats Can’t Find Anything Wrong With It
If Independents tune out the noise and focus on their votes on their pocketbooks on Tuesday, Congress should remain in Republican hands. ...