About: Alias

The Cure of Bloody Souls

The basis of capital punishment is equity. In business, we would call it the just price. Having taken a victim's life, we search for a proper payment for this...

The Terror Conspiracy

The Soviets and their surrogates frequently use terrorism as a weapon to inspire fear for political ends. By James J. Drummey ...

What Happened to Flight 007?

Five years after the downing of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 by the Soviets on September 1, 1983, most of the key questions remain unanswered. A plethora of books...

Let the States Decide

In accord with the intent of the framers of the Constitution, the choice to enact the death penalty is up to the state legislatures rather than the unelected judiciary....

Retribution Is an Obligation

The three purposes of criminal punishment are rehabilitation, deterrence, and retribution. The basic justification for capital punishment is retribution. ...