Are Government’s Responses to COVID Paving the Way for Denying Freedom?
John F. McManus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

More than half a century ago, a handful of American medical professionals decided that the American Medical Association was no longer reliably reporting to the nation — and to the world — on matters dealing with health. They formed a new organization called the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). These upstarts were laughed at by numerous medical professionals, but when the new group began taking stands showing differences between the AMA and the AAPS, many doctors switched their allegiance to the AAPS. Over the years of demonstrating competence and courage, the AAPS has become a respected alternative to the AMA. In the estimation of many in the field of medicine. The numerically smaller AAPS has even made the AMA a more careful and more reliable source of perspective about medicine, disease, cures, etc.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a member of AAPS, is a highly respected physician who has earned a fine reputation from medical peers as a specialist in the field that includes COVID. A professor of medicine at both Texas A&M College of Medicine and Baylor University, he developed a treatment for the COVID pandemic that includes the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to stem the disease, even cure patients who have contracted it. His method could have saved the lives of 85 percent of hospitalized COVID patients whose lives were lost had it been used. But America’s Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, and the UN’s World Health Organization have blocked the use of HCQ as well as a separate anti-COVID drug known as Ivermectin.

One American who very early in the spread of the disease contracted it and was seriously ill in a hospital. A chance introduction to HCQ’s worth led to this Michigan female state representative’s speedy recovery from an obvious bout with COVID early in 2020. While in a hospital bed fearing that would soon die, she heard via TV then-president Donald Trump touting the value of HCQ. The president claimed to have been taking HCQ himself and was certainly in favor of having medical practitioners treat patients with it. At her request and from her hospital bed, the lady in Michigan was given a standard dose, and recovered almost immediately. When she told friends and her political constituents that she intended to vote for Trump in the 2020 election, her black Detroit-area constituents berated her. As a black American herself, she was expected to vote against Donald Trump. But she credits the former president with saving her life, and giving him her vote was a small way of sending gratitude.

Later in 2020, Houston journalist Ivory Hecker received a sharp dressing down from her bosses for promoting HCQ as a cure for COVID. She had quoted the noted Dr. Joseph Varon’s claim that HCQ successfully treated COVID patients. The chief of critical care at Houston’s United Memorial Medical Center, Dr. Varon told Hecker, “We use it [HCQ] with good success.” California’s Dr. Simone Gold (who is also a lawyer) has formed a group known as America’s Frontline Doctors to explain to the American people the benefits of HCQ and the potential harm done by the vaccines, along with the dangerous impact the present approach to fighting COVID is having on freedom, from the push to mandate the COVID vaccines to mask mandates and lockdowns.    

Numerous medical professionals in America and elsewhere have quietly given patients HCQ or an another effective drug known as Ivermectin. But both of these products have effectively been banned by federal agencies. The government’s doctors declared in a statement of protocol that there are no safe alternatives to vaccines that can be employed to treat COVID patients. And as long as there is no known cure, it is permissible to employ an untested, experimental vaccine. 

Former Reagan-Bush era Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts has noted in his widely read blog, “Unapproved vaccines (such as those created by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson, et al.) can be prescribed as long as there is no known cure for the targeted disease”  So, Americans and the people in numerous other countries who copy U.S. protocol are being treated with newly created vaccines under a policy that grants “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) as long as there is no known cure for COVID. That there is an effective cure, such as HCQ, has bee denied by the government authorities and seconded by the mass media and most political leaders. Huge piles of cash have been acquired by Big Pharma as a result of their production of the vaccines that Americans and others are being encouraged to take. And both the government and Big Pharma ignore the fact that the vaccines themselves have caused illness in many who have received what is being termed “the jab.”  

Federal FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine was finally granted on August 23, 2021, the first official go-ahead for any of the hurriedly-produced vaccines being used without reliance on the occasionally employed practice of being designated for emergency use authorization. But there is no change in its ingredients from what has been previously distributed. And recipients are still coming down with diseases caused by the vaccine. Paul Craig Roberts noted that Iceland and Israel, two countries where vaccines have already been administered to practically all citizens, are undergoing “a new virus pandemic” that, as of mid-August 2021, is being widely blamed by some as resulting from the vaccine itself. At the same time, COVID has been stopped cold in the portions of India where Ivermectin has been used.  

Here in America, most of the mass media have allied with an array of medical professionals and government officials including President Biden to urge all to get vaccinated with these untested products. People are even being advised to get another jab as a booster — which will be another dose of the same substance. And procedures are gathering steam to produce a vaccine passport that must be shown by ordinary citizens to substantiate receiving a vaccination before they can enter a wide variety of venues, markets, airplanes, etc. That such a passport resembles what Nazi Germany once demanded from the German people is more than a bit frightening.

Meanwhile, the use of HCQ and Ivermectin to treat COVID are still blocked by the government’s health professionals. And the near total promotions of highly questionable vaccines along with the continued effective banning of effective treatments for COVID victims should be recognized as a step toward eventual tyranny. HCQ and Ivermectin should be made widely available and the rush to force questionably effective vaccines should be canceled. The health of the people is surely a concern. And so is their freedom.