Muslim “Refugee” Admits: My Main Goal Is to “Islamize” Europeans
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

We’ve been told they’re fleeing war. But some Muslim migrants entering Europe are apparently bringing war — a war for the hearts and minds of Westerners. And one Syrian migrant has admitted as much, telling an Arabic television station (see video below) that he wasn’t driven to the Old World mainly by fear of death or Da’esh (ISIS), but by a desire to Islamize Europeans.

Reports InfoWars’ Paul Joseph Watson:

“My main goal for leaving Syria is to lead people to the acceptance of Islam,” states the man as he jabs his finger in the air.

The individual says that he is willing to “sell” his country and even his own parents in order to reach “paradise” by converting Europeans to Islam who in turn will then “Islamize others.”

“I swear by Allah I only came here for this one goal…. I have observed that they are curious and willing to get to know Islam through us,” he adds.

While it’s impossible to know precisely how many “refujihadis” (as the migrants have been called) share the man’s Islamist goals, it’s obvious not all do. Logic also dictates he’s not alone. Moreover, human nature is complex, and a given person’s actions can be driven by multiple motivations, some noble, some ignoble, some worldly — and some otherworldly.

As to the last, the aim of the admitted refujihadi aligns with a tenet of Islam. As Michele Hickford wrote in September at ex-congressman Allen West’s website, quoting Dutch writer Joost Niemöller:

“The main origin of the panic in the Middle East is ISIS, whose sophisticated and professional PR apparatus has made it abundantly clear that the mass movement of people towards Europe is part of their strategy.”

It’s actually an ancient strategy, straight from the Islamic playbook[,] called The Hijra (Arabic: هِجْرَة‎ hijrah), also called Hegira or Hejira, the migration or journey. Hijra is one of the most effective methods of jihad which requires no military or wars. But it is an invasion nonetheless, and the politically-correct, humanitarian West is inviting it with open arms.

Writing in FrontPage Mag, Robert Spencer cemented the point and presented a Koranic prescription for the Hijra:

To emigrate in the cause of Allah — that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Qur’an. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (4:100) [sic] The exalted status of such emigrants led a British jihad group that won notoriety (and a shutdown by the government) a few years ago for celebrating 9/11 to call itself Al-Muhajiroun: The Emigrants.

Given this, it’s not surprising that this Muslim motivation would be voiced in Muslim media. And it isn’t just the aforementioned Arabic television broadcast. As Dr. Mudar Zahran, a Muslim refugee living in Britain, said on an October edition of “The Glazov Gang,” “I have to be honest: You read Arab magazines and Arab newspapers, [and] they are talking about, ‘Good job! Now we’re going to conquest [sic] Europe [via the current migration].’ So it’s not even a secret.” Zahran calls this process “the soft Islamic conquest of the West,” something Muslims “couldn’t do in the last 20 years,” but that “now the West is doing for us for free — and even paying for it.”

Then there is top iman Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said in September that Muslims should use the current migrant crisis as a vehicle through which to conquer Europe (video below). As InfoWars reported at the time, Ayed exclaimed:

We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries!”

Ayed stated that “whether you like it or not,” Americans, Italians, Germans and the French will be forced to take the “refugees”.

“We shall soon collect them in the name of the coming Caliphate. We will say to you: these are our sons. Send them, or we will send our armies to you,” concluded Ayed.

All this may seem quite incredible to the average Westerner — and that’s the point: “Mirroring” blinds everyone.

Mirroring is the common phenomenon whereby we project our own priorities, values, and mindsets onto others. An inveterate liar, for instance, will assume others are generally dishonest; a gullible soul may suppose most are trustworthy. And what would secular Westerners relate to? They can understand a fear for personal safety inspiring one to flee a war-torn land or the material motivation of desiring a better life. But migrating to a foreign nation motivated wholly or in part by the goal of converting the natives to your religion is an alien concept to them. They, personally, would never dream of such a thing.

Yet think about it: This is precisely what their ancestors did and what secularists criticize those forefathers for doing — sending Christian missionaries to foreign lands to spread the Gospel. Of course, Christians still do this today. It isn’t just the “religious,” however; the reality is that people ever and always try to convert others to some idea that advances their agenda. The motivation may be selfish or selfless, reflecting a desire to make the world bigger in virtue or equality, or merely reflecting a bigger ego or want of a bigger wallet. What it’s not, is unusual — it is a universal motivation.

After all, do the Democrats and Republicans not seek to convert others to their way of thinking? And activists do the same. Marxists, in fact, have not only engaged in propaganda but also started wars to achieve conversion. And what is marketing but the practice of influencing thinking, of converting others to the idea that your product is superior (“Coke is it!”)? Everyone seeks to spread ideas based on what’s important to him, be it money, power, or popularity — or religion.

And Westerners, some at least, may be easy prey for the marketing of exotic ideas. Why did 20-year-old John Walker Lindh leave his comfortable Marin County home to fight with the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001? Raised in a largely, if not completely, secular home with a father who would frequently stay with a homosexual lover in San Francisco, the Lindhs were a prime example of Westerners who believe in “shallow things, shallowly,” as the Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens put it. Even our churchmen, today, are lost talking about “social justice,” climate change, tolerance, progress, and inclusiveness. In contrast, Islam offers that “old-time religion,” something more than just “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.” And one thing is for sure: If Christianity doesn’t feed the soul, something else will.