In collaboration with Big Business and special interests, the Obama administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is plotting a new program to track Americans’ vaccination records, wage a massive propaganda campaign to “encourage” more inoculations, and foist more controversial vaccines on adults against their will. Federal bureaucrats and crony capitalists set to profit from the proposal claim the goal is to improve “public health,” and establishment media outlets have largely parroted that line so far. However, critics of the unconstitutional scheme, formally dubbed the “National Adult Immunization Plan” (NAIP), say the ultimate goal is to forcibly vaccinate all Americans and move toward a radical new healthcare paradigm in which medical “treatment” is delivered at gunpoint.
The controversial plot was cooked up and unveiled by the Obama HHS National Vaccine Advisory Committee during its February meeting. If approved by federal bureaucrats, the executive-branch assault would, among other elements, enlist private businesses, churches, and non-profit organizations in a nationwide campaign to prod Americans into accepting the Obama administration’s perpetually expanding list of “recommended” vaccines. The scheme would also offer doctors and other vaccine providers “incentives” — read taxpayer-funded bribes — to shred patient privacy and feed private medical information into state and federal databases to track those who refuse to comply.
The summary of the “five-year national plan,” as official documents describe it, deliberately uses innocent-sounding language to promote the effort. “The NAIP is intended to facilitate coordinated action by federal and nonfederal partners to protect public health and achieve optimal prevention of infectious diseases and their consequences through vaccination of adults,” it states, adding that ObamaCare implementation offers a “unique opportunity” to be used as leverage. “As a national plan, it will require engagement from a wide range of stakeholders to achieve its full vision.” Those stakeholders include just about everybody except the target: You. As always with “national plans” dreamed up by Big Government and Big Business, though, the devil is really in the details.
Critics and medical professionals are already up in arms. After summarizing the growing torrent of recent Obama administration assaults on liberty, Dr. Lee Hieb, an orthopedic surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said the NAIP scheme was an especially troubling attack on the liberties of Americans. Calling it “a proposal by the orchestrators of Obamacare to forcibly vaccinate all adult Americans,” Hieb also ridiculed the Soviet-sounding “five-year plan” language. But the implications of the latest Obama administration attack on medical liberty and privacy are no joking matter.
“If you Americans do not stand against this, it’s over,” continued Dr. Hieb, author of the new book Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare. “What liberty do you have if the federal government can force you to have a medical procedure, can force you to surrender your very body to their control? Answer: none. Because there is nothing that cannot be justified on the basis of ‘the good of society.’ The Jewish Holocaust, the Great Leap Forward, the killing of the Kulaks, American Eugenics, Tuskegee experimentation, the cold water experiments of Birkenau, Dachau and Auschwitz, all were justified at the time by their respective leaders as for the good of society.”
In the WND column, Dr. Hieb also outlined some of her scientific concerns surrounding vaccination before lambasting the participation of government-selected “stakeholders” — state, local, territorial, and tribal governments; healthcare providers; advocacy groups; vaccine manufacturers; academia and research organizations; payers and health plans; employers; the military; and the general public. The “real stakeholder,” she said, “is you.” “No one cares more about the risks versus benefits of vaccination than you do personally,” Dr. Hieb concluded. “To leave it to a group, to treat you as a member of a group for medical care, is not ethical medicine. It is the stuff of jails and forced labor camps and socialist hellholes — and apparently American academia and bureaucrats. It is time to say no.”
Other experts and advocates for medical freedom were similarly outraged by the Obama administration’s adult-vaccination scheme. In a widely reprinted scathing report outlining the plan, Executive Director Theresa Wrangham with the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) urged citizens to fight back immediately. “There is no time to waste,” she wrote, citing a broad array of threats stemming from the HHS vaccine plot. From unconstitutionally invading Americans’ medical privacy to efforts at mandating adult vaccination and quashing informed-consent ethics in medicine, Wrangham said the plan is dangerous and must be opposed.
“The NAIP makes it clear that in the future, all American adults will be informed of the recommended adult schedule at every possible opportunity outside the healthcare provider domain,” explained Wrangham at the NVIC, a non-profit organization that supports informed consent and individual liberty. “You will be encouraged to comply with the adult schedule not only by your healthcare provider, but also via community-based partnerships to ensure that you have the opportunity to roll up your sleeve at work, school, church and other community gatherings.” The vaccine tracking databases being developed and already in existence, she added, “will be used to identify non-compliers.”
While the NVIC supports access to vaccines for anyone who wants them, there “is a difference between awareness, access, recommendations and mandates,” Wrangham continued. “In the past, these types of government vaccine use plans do not just seek to increase awareness and access but also make recommendations that foster vaccine mandates without flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions that align with the informed consent ethic.”
The scheme could eventually result in de facto mandatory vaccination, too. Vaccine mandates typically come from the state level, and the NAIP, technically at least, has no legal authority to make its “recommendations” mandatory. “However, much like the recommendations made by NVAC a few years ago for healthcare workers to receive annual flu shots, these recommendations are likely to result in future de facto vaccine mandates for adults, whether through employer requirements, or actual state laws,” Wrangham added, citing legislation introduced in states across the country this year to further chip away at existing exemptions — religious, medical, philosophical — for mandated childhood vaccines.
According to Wrangham, “there is little doubt that that the NVAC’s latest plan will result in similar actions to force adults to use all federally recommended vaccines.” In fact, as if that were not troubling enough, she also said, citing the work of Dr. Suzanne Humphries, “door-to-door efforts to make everyone comply” — as happened about a century ago — are “a real possibility again in America.” The difference is that this time, Americans could be forced to receive “a lot” of vaccines rather than just one.
“The noose being tightened around the necks of our children is being thrown over the necks of adults as well,” Wrangham said. “The tightening of that noose is growing daily in an attempt to strangle vaccine freedom of choice by eradicating the ethical principle of informed consent.” Blasting the “one-size-fits-all” vaccine schedule promoted by authorities as “very dangerous,” she noted that “the human right to protect bodily integrity and autonomy — the core value of the informed consent ethic — is at stake.” The battle is not between the pro- or anti-vaccine positions, she concluded. Instead, it is about freedom, values, beliefs, and what medical risks individuals are willing to accept. Vaccination just happens to be at the forefront of the battle.
Supporters of the plan, meanwhile, have rallied numerous establishment media outlets to their cause. Last month, for example, the Wall Street Journal ran an article that sounded almost like a press release issued by Obama’s HHS. “It’s Time for Grown-Ups to Get Their Shots,” reads the headline. The subtitle: “Adults have their own vaccination needs, but they’ve often been neglected. Now doctors are trying to correct that.” Those doctors, of course, are working in the federal bureaucracy or in crony companies, and their NAIP plot would, among other schemes, provide federal “incentives” to doctors that push more vaccines on patients. Numerous Big Business and special-interest “stakeholders” set to reap massive, risk-free profits from the federal scheming have also been touting it.
In addition to being a brazen assault on individual liberty, privacy, medical ethics, and the U.S. Constitution, the radical plan also represents the very essence of crony capitalism. The federal government, using non-existent “executive authorities,” is essentially seizing taxpayer funds from citizens to act as a coercive marketing and propaganda agency for hugely profitable Big Pharma companies and vaccine pushers. Adding insult to injury, those same crony capitalists successfully lobbied the federal government to shield them from liability when their products kill and injure consumers — making taxpayers bear the billions of dollars in costs for damages.
Various opponents of the ObamaVaccines plot for adults were urging concerned Americans to submit “public comments” to the federal bureaucrats at HHS begging them not to impose it. The public comment period ended last month, and bureaucrats will meet again in June to “finalize” their plans. A much better solution, though, would be for Congress to defund and abolish all unconstitutional agencies, bureaucracies, departments, and programs. If members of Congress would follow their oath of office, the NAIP and countless other totalitarian-minded schemes would never have even been dreamt up. Americans must stop trying to fight each individual executive-branch assault on liberty and instead go straight to the source: anti-constitutional congressional funding for all the madness.
Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.
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