CDC: Measles Breaks Out in Chicago Migrant Shelter Packed With Venezuelans
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Crime and terrorism aren’t the only two threats posed by the millions of illegal aliens whom President Joe Biden has imported since Day 1 of his administration.

Another has surfaced, this one inevitable given that Biden “migrants” originate in the Third World: potentially fatal disease.

Last week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a measles outbreak in a “migrant” shelter that spread to staff and community members. More than 50 cases were reported at the shelter, and more than 80 percent were in Venezuelans.

As of 2000, measles was officially pronounced gone in the United States. But now Biden apparently wants to revivify the disease with his immigration policies.

And measles isn’t the only potentially deadly disease the “migrants” carry. Another pathogenic peril is multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.

The Chicago Shelter

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) confirmed the first case of measles among the city’s 41,000 illegals was confirmed on March 7, but the once-eradicated disease spread quickly through the shelter’s 2,100 residents. Some 500 were packed into one room alone. 

A 1-year-old boy “developed a rash on February 26, 2024, and was hospitalized on February 27 with suspected measles,” CDC reported. The child landed in the United States sometime in 2023, and received a vaccine dose some five weeks before he developed the rash. 

The health department quickly arranged a mass vaccination event to stop the disease from spreading among the bedraggled illegals.

But that didn’t stop the dread disease from spreading.

Continued CDC:

During February 26–May 13, CDPH confirmed 57 shelter A–associated measles cases, including 52 among residents, three among staff members, and two among community members. The median age of persons with confirmed infections was 3 years.

Forty-three of the diseased “migrants,” 84 percent, were Venezuelans; not surprisingly, 72 percent were unvaccinated.

As for measles outbreaks nationwide, 21 jurisdictions had reported 139 cases as of May 16: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York City, New York State, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Ten outbreaks have been reported so far in 2024; in 2023, four outbreaks were reported.

Those outbreaks can only occur when the disease is imported, the health bureau continued:

Measles was officially eliminated from the United States in 2000, meaning there is no measles spreading within the country and new cases are only found when someone contracts measles abroad and returns to the country. Achieving measles elimination status in the U.S. was a historic public health achievement. 

Or, new cases are only found when the president of the United States imports millions of diseased and/or unvaccinated Third World “migrants.”


In April, Chicago also confirmed a “small number” of tuberculosis cases at a shelter, which is hardly a surprise.

The city disclosed that “10-20% of residents of South and Central America have latent TB infection,” NewsNation reported. In 2021, a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases found that 31 percent of the foreign-born in the United States had latent TB.

An even greater threat from the “migrants” is the multidrug-resistant form of the deadly pathogen, or MDR-TB.

“Migrants, in particular refugees and asylum seekers, are a difficult-to-reach subpopulation of travellers to middle- and high-income countries who may import TB and who have important implications for clinical care,” the Journal of Travel Medicine reported in 2021:

Among patients with MDR-TB, the proportion of migrants is higher than among patients with drug-susceptible TB. In fact, in many high-income countries, most patients presenting with MDR-TB are foreign-born. In low-incidence countries of Western Europe, for example, 57 to 100% of patients with MDR-TB were foreign-born in 2017.

Whooping Cough in Europe

Across Europe, where natives are also victimized by government-sponsored replacement migration, whooping cough — a bacterial pulmonary infection called pertussis — is spreading.

“European countries have reported a surge in whooping cough cases in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, with 10 times as many identified as in each of the previous two years,” Reuters reported last week:

Nearly 60,000 cases were reported by European Union and European Economic Area countries over the period, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said on Wednesday, with 11 deaths in infants and eight among older adults. …

The agency noted that much of the population had missed out on natural boosting of their immunity to whooping cough because they had not been exposed to it during the pandemic.

The United Kingdom, too, is suffering a whooping-cough outbreak, with 2,793 cases already this year as of May 9.

Neither report offered data on just who is contracting the disease, but the British government did say that “uptake of vaccinations that protect against whooping cough have fallen in recent years across the country — in both the programme for pregnant women and the infant programme.”

The government did not offer demographics on the people who aren’t being vaccinated.

H/T: Breitbart

Importation of diseases previously eradicated in the United States is one more reason to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants. Click here to learn what you can do.