Mr. Sulu Still in Outer Space: ”Holocaust” Looms if Trans Kids Can’t Be Mutilated
Gage Skidmore/flickr
George Takei
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

George Takei, who portrayed Mr. Sulu on Star Trek in the 1960s and continued the role in six films, is scared. Very scared.

If normal Americans don’t stop “scapegoating” the “LGBTQ+” people who are openly grooming kids at drag shows and in public schools, the Japanese-American homosexual recently wrote for The Daily Beast, why, those people might be interned, as were enemy aliens during World War II. Worse, another “Holocaust” is on the way.  

“Trans” kids must be permitted to “transition,” the 86-year-old poofter wrote. And the federal government must intervene to make sure they can. It mustn’t let “hate” flourish under the guise of protecting kids from groomers.

A dark night of terror and fascism is upon us.

‘Dangerous Tropes’

Having been interned, Takei learned “what being scapegoated meant: a convenient target for politicians, a way to whip up hate and bigotry to win elections, a place to lay blame where none should lay. It meant hate, vilification, injustice—and even the very power of the state turned upon us.”

But now, “once again, my own community is being scapegoated.” And by “my community” he doesn’t mean the Japanese. He means the “the wonderful, joyous, yet so often misunderstood and reviled LGBTQ+ community, letters that represent a veritable rainbow of sexual and gender identities.”

And they are endangered, Takei continued, just a few years after “things were looking promising,” when the U.S. Supreme Court recognized a fiction called “gay marriage.” Noting that he “married” a man called Brad, Takei dipped into the deep well of leftist clichés to fret about “efforts to turn back the clock.”

Americans who are fed up with groomers in the school are really just “scapegoating”:

Armed with dangerous tropes from over 50 years ago, where gay and trans people are labeled as “groomers” who are a danger to children, wily politicians such as Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida began a campaign to drive us out, to erase our families and identities in education, in library books, and in our own communities. They even targeted retail stores that supported us during our month of Pride.

More ominously, and in the name of “protecting” trans kids and in defiance of all expert opinion, politicians at the state level have banned critically necessary trans medical care, leaving desperate parents and families without alternatives. It was not only ignorant, but it was also deliberately cruel. And it is leading to untold suffering for young people already burdened with the weight of successfully transitioning. They are a group that currently suffers the highest rates of suicide among teens.

Those teens commit suicide because they are mentally ill, not because they can’t chemically castrate themselves with puberty blockers, or cut off their breasts and penises to become the “right” gender.

That aside, another genocidal massacre is ahead.

“America is not somehow immune from these dark forces, the kind that led to the horrors of the Holocaust in Europe,” he fretted:

Indeed, we have a long and terrible history of bringing the full power of the state behind the very laws that separate, discriminate, and punish based on differences in race or sexuality.

I see those levers of power being pulled again, and I recoil, as we all should. There are few things more terrifying than demagogic populism, sharpened dangerously into authoritarian rule, with minorities left at the mercy of those now in charge of writing and enforcing the laws. Yet that is precisely what is happening across much of Red State America today. Most of the candidates running to be the Republican pick for president have been freely expressing their anti-LGBTQ, anti-trans bigotry in a bid for votes, no matter the harm they are doing.

We are more than 80 years out from the Japanese American internment, but we have yet to learn its true lessons. Today, we must do more than call the scapegoating out. We must provide safe harbor for communities affected, and we must demand coordinated, federal-level responses that deter and prevent such abuses in the first place.

Groomers Everywhere

Here’s what Takei didn’t say: Perverts and freaks are openly bragging on social media that they are grooming kids.

The Libs of TikTok X feed provides an endless stream of clips not only of public school teachers loudly pushing their propaganda on kids, but also of drag queens permitting children to touch their genitals, a felony sex crime. 

A recent post shows a “trans nonbinary elementary teacher” showing a “classroom setup including massive progress pride flag, and social justice and LGBTQ themed decorations.”

Another shows a principal’s explanation that the school’s computer system can easily change pronouns and include a pupil’s “preferred name.”

A third features a “transwoman” who explains that children as young as four know if they are the “wrong” gender.

“I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met that knew they were trans at 4 or 5 years old,” the tranny groomer said:

So if there’s a kid in your life who’s telling you they’re trans, please believe them. They know what they’re talking about.

In other words, the “scapegoaters” are right. Groomers are coming for your kids.


As for the internment of enemy aliens during World War II, the TV spaceman might be justifiably upset, but his loose rendition of the story is a half-truth.

Revelations in the now declassified MAGIC intercepts of Japanese cables were “stunning,” historian Roger McGrath wrote for The American Conservative in 2004:

Hundreds of resident Japanese were acting as spies, feeding information to Japan. If the U.S. had arrested the individual spies, it would have revealed to Japan that her codes had been broken. … In 1942, some 112,000 Japanese were living on the Pacific Coast. About 40 percent were resident aliens and the remainder, by virtue of U.S. birth, were American citizens. The citizens, however, were mostly children, and when the U.S. declared war on Japan, their parents became enemy aliens. Moreover the Japanese emperor claimed all Japanese, wherever born, as subjects. They were referred to as doho, meaning countrymen. Japanese residents in the U.S. sent their children to “Japanese school” on Saturdays. A teacher in one of the schools told his American-born students, “You must remember that only a trick of fate has brought you so far from your homeland, but there must be no question of your loyalty. When Japan calls, you must know that it is Japanese blood that flows in your veins.”

As well, McGrath wrote, tens of thousands of Japanese Americans were schooled and spent their formative years in Japan. U.S. Naval Intelligence knew that when they returned to the United States, they came back not as loyal Americans but instead as agents of Japan.

Japanese agents were embedded in the U.S. Army and at airplane manufacturing plants, an agent wrote back to his master in Japan. A Japanese agent in Seattle reported that “we have made arrangements to collect intelligences from second generation Japanese draftees on matters dealing with troops, as well as troop speech and behavior.” 

In other words, the Japanese were not relocated and interned because they were “scapegoated.” Relocation and internment was a national security measure.

As well, Japanese aliens and citizens were not alone. The executive order that interned the Japanese also “called for the compulsory relocation of more than 10,000 Italian-Americans and restricted the movements of more than 600,000 Italian-Americans nationwide,” as Smithsonian magazine reported.

So Takei’s internment had nothing to do with “scapegoating” — and neither does the fight against groomers in schools.