Report: “Trans Woman” Raped Woman Inmate in California
Tremaine Deon Carroll
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Yet again, the politicians and public officials who enshrined “transgender” ideology into the law and public policy are responsible for the rape of a woman prison inmate.

This time, the culprits are in California, along with the “trans woman” suspected of the crime.

He’s since been moved back to a man’s prison, which hardly helps the woman he is accused of raping.

And the woman in this case isn’t the first to be victimized by California law. Four other women victims have sued the state to keep “trans women” out of their prisons.

The Suspect

The suspect is one Tremaine “Tremayne” Deon Carroll, a career criminal with a long history of violent felonies, including sexual assault, dating to 1988, when he was just 15 years old, Reduxx reported:

In 1990, Carroll would be convicted for his participation in an armed robbery where he and several other men broke into an apartment occupied by two women. The women were kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and held under demand of ransom.

Despite being only 17 years old, the brutality of the crime resulted in Carroll being charged as an adult with three counts of kidnapping for ransom, two counts of robbery, and three counts of oral copulation by force.

A hung jury and other legal matters required a retrial, but he pleaded guilty to two counts of  kidnapping to skirt another trial on the full battery of charges, Reduxx continued.

Such was Carroll’s criminal resumé that he landed a 25-year-to-life sentence. He was nothing but trouble, Reduxx reported, and beyond that, he is, apparently, dangerously mentally ill.

“Between 2001 and 2015, he received over a dozen Rules Violation Reports, one of which was related to filing false reports against a Peace Officer,” the website continued:

In a 2019 legal complaint, Carroll revealed he had been moved around within CDCR [California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation] facilities over 200 times since 2009, something he claimed was “retaliation” for his allegations of employee misconduct. But many of those moves appear to have been to or from medical centers, where Carroll had been receiving treatment for mental health episodes.

In an earlier legal complaint, Carroll referred to himself as “mentally disturbed” and stated he was on high doses of antipsychotic medication.

In another filing, an unnamed witness called upon by Carroll to provide a statement in support of his claim alleges that Carroll suffers from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, PTSD, and Rubinstein–Taybi Syndrome, a genetic condition characterized by physical and developmental issues.

Not until 2021 did Carroll discover that he was a woman who should be incarcerated in a women’s facility. That March, he used California’s three-month-old Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity law that permitted exactly such a move. In August, prison officials moved him to the Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF).

The following March, he claimed he was a “trans woman” in an article for a black newspaper. In that masterpiece of jailhouse journalism, he complained about “systemic discrimination by the criminal justice system,” Reduxx reported. “He also claimed he was in prison for ‘non-violent’ offenses, in contradiction of his criminal history.”

The story gets even better — or worse for the woman he is suspected of raping — from there:

The next year, Carroll was profiled by the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, who featured him as being “an incarcerated transgender woman instrumental in several prison lawsuits.”

Madera County court records obtained by Reduxx show that the District Attorney filed multiple charges against Carroll, including two counts of rape, and one count of dissuading a witness from testifying.

Reduxx reported that he raped the woman in January 2024. Whether the victim is a prisoner or staff member is unclear.

Transferred after the rape, he’s back where he belongs, at Kern Valley State Prison.

Lawsuit to Stop the Transfers

Again, Carroll’s victim isn’t the first to suffer for the sake of “transgender” ideology.

Four women inmates who claim that “trans women” have victimized them sued the state in 2021 to stop the “trans” prison madness. Carroll offered a preposterous claim to the American Civil Liberties Union, which intervened in the case on behalf of  “trans women” in 2022:

In his sworn testimony collected by the ACLU for the case, Carroll declared: “I know what it feels like to live in fear and to carry the weight of the past abuse by men. But I am not a threat [to women]. I strongly believe that everyone here at CCWF would benefit from more structured interaction — opportunities to sit and talk with each other and realize that we’re all in the same boat.”

In its story about that lawsuit, citing the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), Reduxx reported that 33 percent of the “trans women” who want to be housed with women are sex offenders. In 2021, WoLF reported that “trans women” were impregnating women inmates. 

And in federal prisons, 48 percent of trans women are sex offenders.

The ACLU, by the way, not only wants rapists housed with women, but also expects taxpayers to pay for “gender reassignment” surgery for “trans women” murderers.

Other Cases

This isn’t the first such case, and it won’t be the last.

As The New American reported in March, Reduxx told the harrowing tale of Mary, an inmate in Washington state.

Prison officials refused to listen to her fear of the “trans woman” with whom she shared a cell.

The man fondled or otherwise sexually assaulted Mary while she slept.

“I’m not sure how many times he touched me because of my [meds],” she said. “But one day I came back to my cell from a work shift and he had two strap-on dildos and asked me to use them on him. I refused. That night, I was woken up to him touching me.”

A “trans woman” murderer in Kansas, already permitted to serve his time in a women’s prison, has sued the state because it won’t permit him in the general population.