Sixth Graders Asked if They Want Sex Change
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

From FreedomProject Media:

Government schools in Missouri are under fire after distributing surveys to children aged 10 and 11 asking whether they wanted to change genders. The controversial documents also asked the 6th grade students if they thought about suicide, using drugs, engaging in homosexual acts, and more. Parents were furious.

The news, first reported by a local ABC affiliate, comes as similar surveys pushed by the federal government ask intrusive questions about children’s home lives, their families, their views, and more. As The Newman Report documented in October, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been gathering the sensitive data across America.

Supposedly, the questionnaires in Missouri were from the state “mental health” department. They are ostensibly aimed at helping officials craft “prevention programs.” But critics say instead of “prevention,” the controversial surveys falsely lead children to believe that pre-marital sex is normal, that drug use is widespread among their peers, and that gender confusion is everywhere.

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