Pastor Mark Burns, a personal friend and loyal supporter of President Donald Trump, discusses his race for Congress against incumbent Representative William Timmons (R-S.C.) in the 4th Congressional District of South Carolina. He calls out Rep. Timmons for his lack of attendance in Congress and over his globalist support of the United Nations.

Pastor Burns also tells The New American that when he’s elected to Congress, he will fight to reinstate the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA), known for investigating communists and other subversive groups and individuals in the United States until it was ultimately abolished by the radical progressive Democrat-majority 94th Congress in 1975.

Numerous self-described communist and Marxist groups continue operate in the U.S. today, such as the Communist Party USA, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Workers World Party, Socialist Workers Party, Revolutionary Communist Party, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization. When asked if he would investigate these organizations, Pastor Burns replied, “That’s the whole purpose of HUAC. We’ve got to weed out the socialist, communist indoctrination of our political system that is still very active.”

Pastor Burns also promises to support legislation, such as the American Sovereignty Restoration Act, to officially terminate U.S. membership and participation in the United Nations.