US Strikes Iranian Targets in Iraq and Syria
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In retaliation for the attack that killed three U.S. military members in Jordan on Sunday, the United States carried out airstrikes against targets in Iraq and Syria today.

U.S. Central Command announced they struck over 85 Iranian targets in the two countries, stating on X, “At 4:00 p.m. (EST) Feb. 02, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards [sic] Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups.”

The Pentagon stated on Monday that it wanted to avoid armed conflict with Iran, with spokesperson Sabrina Singh telling reporters, “We certainly don’t seek a war, and frankly, we don’t see Iran wanting to seek a war with the United States.”

The cautious response by the Biden administration contrasts with calls from Republican politicians advocating for war with Iran. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said to reporters, “If you want a war with us, bring it on. We’ll blow you off the friggin’ map. I’m not worried about losing a war with Iran; they should be worried about losing a war with us.”

Graham also stated the U.S. military should “start killing” Iranian soldiers, saying on Fox News, “Hit their oil infrastructure and start killing their soldiers inside of Iran. I’m not asking to invade Iran, but I am calling on President Biden tonight [to] go to the source of the problem. If you don’t hit the Iranian oil infrastructure and hit them in the wallet and make them fear you, they’re gonna keep killing our soldiers”