“Jewish Conspiracy” Tangent Discredits Freedom Movement
Paul Dragu
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

A couple of years ago, I attended the Red Pill Expo in Rapid City, South Dakota. I met many wonderful patriots from all over the country. I was at the Expo as communications director for The John Birch Society.

I also met a man posing as a neo-Nazi. He wore a black shirt with an iron cross on it. He walked to our table and announced that any conversation about the conspiratorial elites without emphasis on the “Jewish problem” was useless. I said the conspiratorial elite problem is not a Jewish problem because those conspiring to install a New World Order (NWO) are nowhere close to being all Jewish. He pivoted to the scourge of communism, blaming it on the Jews. I mentioned the inconvenient fact that Vladimir Lenin was not a Jew, yet he was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution. “He was a quarter Jew,” the man replied defensively.

Antisemites are run-of-the-mill collectivists. The neo-Nazi took the approach that if the label doesn’t fit, make it fit. We recently saw this with the reaction from the Left to the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols by several black police officers in Memphis. In his Nichols eulogy, veteran race huckster Al Sharpton said that if Nichols were white, those officers wouldn’t have beaten him like that.

Sharpton is a prominent figure in the race-hustling industry, which sells grievance for top dollar and supports his lavish lifestyle. He and a slew of corporate media pundits and activists who constantly berate us with fact-free moral scoldings on race relations and violence are a stubborn bunch. They don’t let reality stand in the way of a perfectly good racket. Every officer who punched, kicked, pepper sprayed, or hit Nichols with their batons was black. Nevertheless, Sharpton and many in corporate media’s punditry industry are sticking to the game plan. Nichols’ beating had to be racist, otherwise he and everyone in the race-baiting business will have to find other ways to make a living.

Antisemites are not so different. They don’t let facts get in the way of a good race grievance, either. Vladimir Lenin, the mass-murdering Bolshevik, may have had a maternal great-grandmother who was a shtetl Jew. If that’s true, that would make Lenin about as Jewish as Elizabeth Warren is Native American. But if you believe Jews are behind the world’s problems, Vladimir Lenin needs to be Jewish. And even if he were, what difference did it make to the Russian Jews whose lives were destroyed by Lenin’s bloody coup?

If you point out that one of the most integral families to NWO installation — the Rockefellers — are of Christian and Anglo descent, antisemites may rebuke you with fictional secret knowledge of Rockefeller Jewishness.

If you point out that the creator and owner of the most powerful neutralizing media empire — FOX News — is not Jewish, you’ll hear that, nevertheless, an unproportionally high percentage of media ownership is Jewish. You will hear of The New York Times’ Jewishness. But what about the other two major national newspapers? The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos — not Jewish — and The Wall Street Journal by Rupert Murdoch, who, as we we’ve just mentioned, is also not Jewish. In fact, accusations of antisemitism have circled Murdoch in the past.

Yes, there are a number of Jews in media, entertainment, academia, and finance, including the CEO of the globalist asset manager BlackRock. So what? The international elite are not exclusively Jewish. The visible power elite who were recently hanging around at Davos are hardly all Jewish. Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Mr. You Will Own Nothing and Like It — Klaus Schwab — is also not Jewish.

Dr. Antony Sutton, among the most reliable and important researchers on the NWO topic, revealed that the American and British components of the Conspiracy are overwhelmingly WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant). In his book America’s Secret Establishment, Sutton reveals that members of the Skull and Bones secret society, a major source of future conspirators, are “almost all WASPs” who descended from English Puritan families. Furthermore, “There were no Jews at all in [Skull and Bones] until very recently. In fact, [Skull and Bones] has … definite antisemitic tendencies,” Sutton writes. “Token Jews (and token blacks) have been admitted in recent years.” Sutton published America’s Secret Establishment in 1983 after receiving a stack of secret documents on Skull and Bones membership. He admitted to having a source within.

The roots of the Master Conspiracy, as JBS founder Robert Welch called the conspiratorial elite, slither back to Adam Weishaupt of Bavaria and the creation of the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. The Illuminati sought to bring into their ranks members of the top social, political, financial, and educational circles of their respective countries. The goal was to create a godless New World Order ruled by elites who seek to be like gods. To do that, they needed to destroy the existing order. As far as membership goes, the Illuminati did not allow Jewish members until later.

The internationalists share the commonality of the goal to rule over us all. They will exploit our tribalism, our ignorance, our frustrations, and any natural difference for their diabolic purposes.

We at the JBS judge by individual character. It is the American way. It is the statists who lump people into groups. Individualism, however, is reality. We are not the actions and views of people who look like us or share our heritage. We are individuals. I am me. You are you. There is no one else exactly like either one of us.

It makes sense the conspiratorial elite would use their influence over the narrative to sow the lie that any discussion of the “globalists” is antisemitic. It has the power to shut down the conversation. People who love liberty and constitutional principles are decent people. They aren’t not going to join a collectivist and bigoted movement.

A couple of weeks ago, we published an episode of my show Freedom Is the Cure titled “The Jewish Conspiracy Tangent.” Afterward, I uncharacteristically looked at the comments on our two major video platforms. I was surprised to see so many who were sympathetic to the antisemitic narrative of the NWO. To whatever degree those comments belonged to real people, we have a message for antisemites: You are not welcome in The John Birch Society.

Yes, there are Jews who’ve worked toward the NWO goal. But there are also many who work to oppose it, including those who are members of the JBS.

Our chances of defeating the conspirators depends on recognizing their schemes and smashing them with the constitutional principles that made America a magnet for all freedom and prosperity seekers. This is why the JBS emphasizes education. It is kryptonite to their evil plan.

The “Jewish conspiracy” lie is a tangent, a dangerous diversion that prevents progress in the battle against the enemies of freedom and could lead to harm. There is important work to be done, and we need all patriots who love liberty to join us in the cause of a lifetime.

If you’d like to learn more about the JBS, download a free e-version of our booklet BiRCH’N: How The John Birch Society Keeps America Free. And if you’re ready to join us in the epic undertaking of restoring the greatest nation ever, you can start by connecting with a local coordinator.