Is the Deep State Using Occult Quantum Editing to Change the Past?
Luis Miguel
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

They say the victors write the history. But the side of that adage that is so often neglected is that, in many cases, the victors are victors because they write the history.

For whoever writes the history controls the masses’ understanding of the world around us, and is thus able to condition behavior, shape society, and determine the future.

The Cabal understands this principle well. There’s nothing secret about their attempt to revise history to make the past conform to the Marxist, globalist narrative designed to keep them in power.

But what if their effort to rewrite history goes beyond mere social conditioning? What if there’s an occult aspect to this sinister agenda?

We know that the Deep State works with the occult to amass power. It’s been highly publicized that the CIA and Defense Department invested heavily in programs to weaponize occult practices such as extrasensory perception (ESP), telekinesis, clairvoyance, and remote viewing (being able to perceive things from a distance by the power of the mind).

As New Republic contributor Colin Dickey writes:

In the early 1950s, the Defense Department tasked Henry “Andrija” Puharich with locating mushrooms that they believed might unlock psychic powers (a project the CIA was also working on, under the codename Project MKULTRA). During this time Puharich was also researching faith healers, though much of his early research is still classified by the Atomic Energy Commission. Eventually, Puharich began exploring ESP and psychokinesis or PK (the ability to move objects with one’s mind), and began researching test subjects who appeared to have psychic potential.

… One of the most popular and long-running experiments concerned “remote viewing.” Individuals would sit in locked rooms and attempt to see events from far away. Sometimes these individuals were natural psychics, but as the program grew the Defense Department attempted to prove that ability could be developed in otherwise normal individuals. Much of this was focused on military intelligence gathering, but one researcher, Ed Dames, used taxpayer money to direct supposed psychics to look for evidence of UFOs, to locate the lost city of Atlantis and the Ark of the Covenant, and to watch gladiator games in ancient Rome.

Mainstream outlets often say that the government shelved these efforts when they failed to produce results. But, just as the CIA likely continues to conduct MKUltra-style experiments despite claiming to no longer do so, who’s to say that the government hasn’t continued — and perfected — its occult techniques?

This leads us to the question: Is the Deep State using occultism to literally change the past in a way that suits its purposes?

I have covered a number of subjects in my series on occultism. One occult practice is that of revision, which is changing the past by deliberately changing one’s belief about the past.

This practice primarily came into modern usage through the writings and lectures of New Thought mystic Neville Goddard, who was born in Barbados but lived most of his life in the United States and who, as a young man, studied under an Ethiopian rabbi known as Abdullah.

Goddard advanced the idea that everything is mind, and that the physical world is only a reflection of one’s subconscious. By changing one’s subconscious beliefs, Goddard said, one can change his external circumstances.

Those who support Goddard’s teachings typically use this principle, put into practice through meditation, affirmations, and visualization, to get wealth or achieve other life goals. But through revision, considered a more advanced technique, occultists believe they edit the past by continually visualizing past events as having occurred differently than they actually did.

Those who claim the reality of revision say they have used it to eliminate disabilities, fix bad relationships, and erase the consequences of grave personal mistakes.

Some draw a connection between these occult practices and modern quantum physics, which posits that there are infinite realities that exist simultaneously, along with what we consider our past, present, and future. According to some physicists, perception influences reality. This is seen in experiments on photons, which have been shown to change their behavior depending on whether they are being observed or not.

What we consider time and space are not absolutes, but interpretations that our human brain gives to the waves that all exist simultaneously. In the same way that color is an interpretation that is manifested differently by the eyes and brain of a dog than it is by a human, likewise, our senses do not behold the full spectrum of realities occurring simultaneously. If we could, the physicist says, we would realize that past, present, and future — in all their variations — are all around us.

The connection between occultism and physics would seem to be that by placing one’s focus on the reality one desires, it brings those particular circumstances into one’s plane of perception, making it manifest in physical reality.

This is why visualizing and affirming positive circumstances, as opposed to negative ones, is such a key part of occultism. And it applies not only to the present and future, but to the past. That is how revision, or quantum editing, ostensibly works — focusing on the desired past so that it manifests while the undesired past fades away.

What if the Deep State is leveraging this occult practice to change the past? Is this why they fight tooth and nail to revise history?

There is a notable clue suggesting this may be the case.

Much has been written about the Mandela Effect, the phenomenon by which many people share what is believed to be a false memory. The Mandela Effect is so named because, in one of the most famous examples of the phenomenon, many people remember having detailed memories of the death of Nelson Mandela in jail in South Africa in the 1980s, even though he served as that country’s president from 1994 to 1999 and died in 2013.

Other examples include people remembering the Berenstain Bears children’s books being spelled “Berenstein” and Mr. Monopoly wearing a monocle (which they say he never did).

Even this author has experienced a Mandela Effect. As a boy, my family owned a VHS copy of the 007 film Moonraker. Being that we only had a limited number of video cassettes in our collection, my brother and I watched that movie often and thus came to recall the scenes well.

The film featured a villain known as Jaws in his second Bond appearance. Jaws was a burly henchman, played by Richard Kiel, whose nickname came from the fact that he had metal teeth.

In Moonraker, Jaws changes his ways after he gets a girlfriend named Dolly. When the two meet, they bond over the fact that Dolly has braces; given Jaws’ metal teeth, it’s like a match made in heaven. They share a laugh over the fact that they both have metal in their mouths and love blossoms.

Except that apparently never happened. If you Google the above scene, you’ll find articles saying that it’s a Mandela Effect — Dolly never had braces. Clips of their meeting scene online are all braces-free.

Interestingly, everyone I have spoken to who watched the film remembers the braces. But there’s apparently no trace of them ever having been there.

Perhaps the Mandela Effect is just a case of false memories. But could it be that, at least in some instances, there are occult forces at work? What if some of these Mandela Effect cases are caused because the individuals with the “false memories” have, in fact, retained the original memory of the past as it was prior to the quantum editing?

Now, what does all this have to do with the Deep State? Why would the Cabal care about the spelling of the Berenstain (Berenstein?) Bears or about a scene in a James Bond movie?

Some possible explanations:

  1. Those seemingly trivial changes were done as practice, as the Deep State is trying to perfect its ability to revise the past.
  2. These changes were made to sow confusion and uncertainty about history and thus make us easier to control, as well as to make it easier to change the past (since we are now less sure about what is real or not).
  3. Those apparently “trivial” changes are the result of the “butterfly effect.” That is, Deep State occultists changed something significant in the past — and this significant change had a ripple effect of countless smaller changes.

One Mandela Effect example demonstrates just how consequential quantum editing can be if real.

As one user on Reddit writes:

The Bible has changed, this is not false memories or hundredth monkey syndrome. This is real, many people have the correct passage memorized, as we would expect from dedicated Christians. “The lion shall lay down with the lamb” is not, nor ever has been, the wolf. There is no mention of wolf in any of the lion and lamb passages in the bible except for in this incorrect reality in which we find ourselves.

I have asked my Christian family members very specifically; what animal lays down with the lamb? My born again Christian brother in law who is an avid bible reader answered correctly, the Lion. He did not say wolf, wolf didn’t even cross his mind, wolf was the farthest animal from his mind and he was as surprised as us all that wolf is in place of lion. Lion is/was and always will be the correct answer.

… What troubles me about that bible change is that the lion has been replaced with a wolf. The wolf represents the devil. So, the bibles in this reality now essentially say the devil will dwell with Jesus (the wolf will dwell with the lamb). You can see why that is disturbing?

This is in reference to Isaiah 6:6, which, if you search it anywhere, reads “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”

Yet most people explicitly recall it reading that the lion and the lamb, not the wolf and the lamb, shall lie down together.

Vox Day, Christian nationalist author and philosopher, points out that individuals as diverse as atheist science-fiction editor John W. Campbell and Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton referred in their writings to the lamb and the lion, not the lamb and the wolf.

Ultimately, what matters is for those on the Christian Right to jealousy study history and guard it against the historical revisionists of the globo-Marxists who, occult or not, gain more power as they are able to persuade more people of their false histories.