Michelle Obama Caught In the Act
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

According to a pool reporter from the Chicago Sun-Times, First Lady Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois law when she solicited votes inside a voting center not far from the booths.

She asked people to “keep her husband’s agenda going.”

Her husband’s agenda, as we know, is about change — change away from the limited government of our Constitution and free enterprise system to something very different.

Such recklessness, or was it audacity? to violate the sanctity and privacy of the poll booth, appears consistent with all the change we’ve been witnessing since Obama came to power; i.e.: zero respect for our law and traditions, and a “whatever it takes” attitude about keeping that agenda going. A few more examples:

  • witness voter fraud accusations against ACORN and that reshuffle routine to keep that corrupt organization afloat and federally funded,
  • witness Black Panther intimidation at the polls ignored by the Justice Department along with all “black on white crime,”
  • witness the Obama Administration’s multi-faceted attack upon the First Amendment including the buying Google search engine power scandal, its ongoing attempts to shut down free speech on the Internet through the Net Neutrality law, its reintroduction of the Fairness Doctrine, and the mysterious introduction of state campaign finance laws that are fining and intimidating bloggers,
  • witness the Administration’s over-the-top efforts to bring amnesty to millions of illegal aliens to get more Democrat votes in upcoming elections,
  • witness the ongoing mystery of a President without a birth certificate and college records,
  • and now this … a First Lady who (if the report is true) can’t help herself from attempting to pressure voters in the one place it is forbidden … and she a lawyer, who has been a wife of a United States Senator, and now the wife of the President of the United States.

The media and Administration is glossing over this. Either a bit of “Of course she stands behind her man!” or “Perhaps she didn’t know any better!” But as to “of course,” of course she knew better! But this is the very definition of everything Obama. Remember that well-oiled piece of propaganda, “The Audacity of Hope”? Well, I don’t know how much hope the Obamas have brought to America, there is so much negativism in everything they have to say about this country, its history, its Constitution, its free enterprise system, and the sort of people that still are dumbfounded enough to stand behind such things … but surely, surely there has been no shortage of audacity. A tidal wave of it, I’d say.

Steve Far­rell is one of the orig­i­nal pun­dits at Sil­ver Eddy Award Win­ner, NewsMax.com (1999–2008), asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of polit­i­cal econ­omy at George Wythe Uni­ver­sity, the author of the highly praised inspi­ra­tional novel Dark Rose, and edi­tor in chief of The Moral Liberal.